I've been procrastinating on blogging since I didn't know what to do about the photo space issue. So here's a fun update...
Key West was AMAZING! Since I have lots of pictures and fun stories, I'll save that for its very own blog post.
Derek had a birthday - we celebrated by surprising him with an early-morning Krispy Kreme run with this cutie.
"Daddy is under my spell" |
He ended up not feeling well for our Cap Ale dinner date, so we post-poned that two weeks. Happy 31, Derek!
Have I mentioned lately how much I love the agency I work for? Let's start by playing
this song. Remember Lifehouse? From high school days? Yep. They came and played a four-song concert for our agency. How cool is that? They did a fabulous job. What a nice perk :)
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Because it's you, and me, and all other people - and I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you. |
Abby tried little cereal bites for the first time. It may take a few more tries...
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gag |
We hunkered down for the "storm of the century" - Hurricane Sandy. It was a category 1 storm combined with a noreaster. Huge. The agency closed at 12pm on Monday, and reopened late on Tuesday. Fortunately, we had very minimal wind & rain. Unfortunately, more northern states like NJ and NY were hit so very hard. The damage is unreal. From horrendous flooding to fires that took out whole communities and not to mention the wind damage - it is a good reminder of how blessed we are. We came out unscathed on that one.
unreal the size and strength of this storm. |
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Our Hurricane Sandy dinner - breakfast and alcohol! :) |
We had a fun Halloween! It was a beautiful crisp night, so we had a firepit in the culdesac with our neighbors. Everyone - even the trick-or-treaters seemed to enjoy it - so hopefully it will be an annual thing. Maybe we can be more prepared this time - with hotdogs, smores, and apple cider! Our favorite trick-or-treater was the cutest little zebra!
Yep - this little diva had TWO costumes! |
Daniel & I have spent LOTS of quality time in the yard pulling out bushes and planting hydrangeas. We also cleaned up a record-breaking amount of acorns, and I planted four crape myrtles by myself! Pictures to come! I also spent some time decorating for Thanksgiving (while listening to Christmas music, of course) - here's my "give thanks" mantle!
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