Sunday, November 11, 2012


I work for a really fabulous agency.  Earlier this week, we had a producer who lives in NY and was currently in Richmond say - hey guys, instead of taking a flight home, why don't we rent a Uhaul and fill it with donations, and I'll take that home.  Well, that one small suggestion literally exploded.  There was a facebook page and flyers and some quick thinking on a core group of people.  The result is incredible.

I asked our family and friends and was able to fill up my trunk -
full trunk!  so thankful for our family and friends
Penske (our client) donated the truck - and I spent much of the day helping sort & box

That truck is FULL!

.... so what happens when you have a full truck and tons of additional items?  you get a donated TRACTOR TRAILER!  RVA2NJ - up next! 
My faith in humanity has been restored.  It's been a long couple of weeks, and this is just what the doctor ordered.  It was fabulous to get away from my desk and do some good.  I'm proud to work for a company that cares so much about its community - and those in need.

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