Thursday, May 26, 2016

Pay attention.

When life is busier than I'd like.
When babies have been sick.
When I LOVE this stage and don't want it to ever end.
When the bottles have been packed up.
When I never thought we'd survive the first year.
When my arms are tired from holding two babies.
When my back hurts from holding Ella on my hip and holding Sydney's hand.
When I think about my girls growing up.
When their vocabulary consists of ma-ma, da-da, and growling.
When we realize that we probably won't ever have a little baby again.
When I say "put your plate down" for the 50th time.
When Sydney quits crawling and walks everywhere.
When Ella crawls over and lays her head on you.
When I take our amazing life for granted.

Beautiful One-Year Photographs

We don't splurge on much, but making memories and capturing them is important to me.  I mean come on, I bore you to death with way too many pictures, so you shouldn't be surprised.  I knew I wanted to have smash cake pictures taken of the girls to match their newborn pictures, but also wanted to be sure I captured the entire Sink family, because we are a family of four - not just the twins!  And of course, the photographer is awesome and they turned out great.  She captured the essence of each of our sweet - and vastly different - girls.  Here are some of my favorites!

E & S

The next two pictures have captured personalities perfectly!

Ella Grace

Sydney Ann

Ella always gets pink, and Sydney always gets purple <3 <3

The best part of this picture?  Not only is it just flat out beautiful, but it happened because Daddy ran around the chair acting like a crazy person.  Then he tripped on a rock.

The next picture contains two brand new twin parents holding soft, beautiful, and peaceful newborns.  We were delirious.  Clueless.  We were tired, exhausted, and happy.  We had no idea what we were doing, but we were in it together.
Brand new Sink Family of Four; Daniel is holding Ella, I am holding Sydney
Fast forward one year, and this picture contains "seasoned" parents of multiples.  We are holding healthy and amazing baby girls.  Our hearts are 100 sizes bigger.  We are tired, exhausted, and happy.  We are still clueless, but have the concept of keeping a baby alive down pat.  We are still in it together. 

Do you see anything that looks familiar?

 One year older!

2015 tiny newborn feet

2016 piggies

Ah! Cake! Sugar! Yes!

Thank you, Sydney, I'll take some of your cake.

Let me show you how to stand up, using my cake

Sydney had enough of her cake and knocked it to the ground

E&S, 2015

S&E, beautiful baby girls
How has my heart not yet burst wide open?