This is fun. Life with two one-year-olds. Springtime. Swings. A screened-in-porch. Here's a picture-filled update of our April happenings!
We do not give the girls enough credit for what they're capable of. For example, one day I found out they were using plates at daycare, and they did a decent job. So what did we start doing? Using plates at home. {the plates often have to go in time-out, but hey, we're learning} Another thing we hadn't tried and by some unknown reason discovered: the girls can climb stairs. And guess what - they don't completely suck at it. So each night, we make the SLOW ascent up the stairs to bed. There isn't much cuter than a train of babies trekking upstairs, so I take a lot of pictures of it.
Sydney needed a break and was kindly waiting for Ella to catch up |
Aren't they cute??
Daniel decided it would be a great idea to go kayaking for many days in April. I tried to put on a brave face and encourage him to go and get some boy-time in, but inside I was freaking out. It would be several more days solo than what I had done before. But the goal was to keep everyone alive, so I figured I could handle at least that. When the kayaking trip was canceled due to extremely cold weather, I jumped for joy (silently, so Daniel wouldn't know). Then some of the boys decided to alter their plans and just hang out in PA. Wahhhh! So anyways, I put on my big girl panties and kept babies alive from Thursday-Sunday. We did it. I lived for nap-time and bed-time, and Daniel couldn't get home soon enough ;)
almost bed time! and a lap filled with babies getting their bellies nice and full for a full-night's rest |
Sydney in my arms, Ella in my lap |
I took the girl's on a walk, and had to snap this picture of Ella straight-up jacking the pacifier out of Sydney's mouth. She did it over and over |
Sydney doesn't care who or what is in her way when she needs to get somewhere |
new bedtime tactic - sit in a recliner for bedtime bottles... much more comfortable! |
I love, love, love having a full lap (and love that it's almost bed time!) |
Sydney loves having meatballs for lunch! |
We FaceTimed with Daddy every day.. and the girls were SO happy to see him!
Happy Ella |
Sydney just can't hide her excitement! |
Even while she's playing, she's so happy to see her buddy |
Nana and Papa came over to help out/give me a break/take us ladies out to eat! We also had to make a trip to Walmart because I DESPERATELY needed a baby gate for the bottom of our stairs! Why was I desperate, you ask? Well, at one point I was changing Sydney's poopy diaper all the while Ella was starting to climb the stairs. You have to make a choice - safety of one baby or poop on another? Yep, desperate.
Super-Nana |
I love this.. reading books with Nana and Papa. I love that there are two babies for both grandparents to love on! |
Something that I had dreaded most with being by myself - having a sick baby. Well, it happened, kind of. I woke up on Sunday morning and Ella was warm and fussy. My worst fear is that we'd have to make a trip to KidMed, but thankfully that didn't happen. The girls held-out on being REALLY sick for another few days, it was just a preview of what was to come.
have fun, Daniel, but hurry on home |
this is how I washed bottles - with a baby attached to my leg. |
Every day we find something new that isn't very baby friendly.. that particular day, I discovered that Sydney could sit in a little chair, but couldn't get down. Ella is also trying to figure out what we did with the stairs.. muahaha. I didn't let you win, you tiny human. |
time for some Sink ladies' selfies |
hahah |
Kisses from Ella |
Grandma Stella came by to try on some cute bubbles |
another new finding - Sydney likes to climb into the carseat carriers, and her accomplice isn't far away |
Poor Ella baby wasn't feeling too great, which meant snuggles with Momma |
Apparently that day was National Siblings Day. So naturally, siblings that drink together, stay together.
Drinking Buddies |
We COULDN'T WAIT for Daddy to come home! I mean really, it had been so long since we had seen his handsome face. I set the girls up in the front window for them to watch out for him..
happy girl, Syd |
AND FINALLY! HE'S HOME!!! Thank you Baby J, I'm going upstairs for a while... have fun, Daddy!
Syd was so excited to see him! |
And the most adorable award goes to... Ella. She kept squeezing his face and giving him "kisses" with her forehead <3 <3 |
someone was feeling a little crummy :( |
twinsies |
I had planned to take a long weekend with a few vacation days from work. I had a lot to get done around the house and Netflix to watch. So often lately it seems, this Momma has gotten the short end of the stick. Ella feeling crummy with a fever turned into both girls having fevers and feeling crummy. We had a few sick-days at home with our ladies (note: good use of "vacation" days). While we were at home, I discovered Sydney loves to play with dryer sheets. She carries them all around with her, just like she does socks. Kind of weird, but at least she smells fresh.
cute laundry! |
Since they weren't super happy, I decided to cut on a kid-show on TV (we are too busy to even think about TV), and they were intrigued! |
haha.. this whole picture makes me laugh, Sydney is so excited with what's on TV, and Ella is laid back enjoying it. |
just a girl and her dryer sheet. |
sick baby girl :( |
Then it was time to take them to the doctor when I suspected Dr Momma couldn't do much more. I took the girls to the doctor all by myself. This was the first time I was solo, and let me tell you that it really kind of sucked. It was hard to juggle them both, get them in and around the office in the double snap 'n go, and keep them happy while they feel crummy. I'm thankful Daniel and I have both been able to attend doctors appointments for so long, because this one was tough.
Exhibit A: if one has a contagious disease, this is how they both get it |
Another major challenge: keeping both girls from climbing/falling off the exam table. That's hard work, people.
thanks, cheerios, for helping this momma out |
haha |
look at that sweet face! |
The diagnosis: strep throat. Ugh, my poor little ladies! I can't imagine how awful it was for them.
two sick babies are loaded up, passed out, and ready to head home to snuggle! |
Snuggle time in Momma's lap!
Ella kept holding onto Sydney's shirt <3 |
I kept hearing lots of happy noises from downstairs, so I peeked around the corner and caught the girls playing nicely in their house together. Even though they didn't feel well, they were such troopers and played together awesome!
they LOVE these bouncy balls I picked up for them at the grocery store |
I've said it before... Sydney is a climber. I caught her climbing on their little play-table right after I had left the room. Girlfriend is smart, sneaky, and crazy.
We all needed some fresh air, so we bundled up the girls (still in PJs, classy) and went for a walk.
Sydney's hand on Ella's leg... <3 |
sweet smile from Sydney! |
I can never get enough of this view |
April 16th.
Another one. Happens every year. The anniversary of something awful. I didn't come to peace with that day until I had two babies, and it's no longer a day I dread. I've always made it a point to be kind to myself, do something I enjoy, and try to make a difference. I try every day to raise two beautiful humans to be good people. Last year, I snuggled two newborns. This year, I played with two one-year-olds. We also had their one-year pictures taken. It was a good day.
It's days like today that I look at my little mouse and cheese pair and have a renewed faith in humanity. I'll live and work hard each and every day to make these girls embody the true spirit of a Hokie
"Let April 16th be on our future calendars. Yes, to remember those precious members of our community who we lost ... but also to renew our commitment to learning and growing. To rededicate ourselves to being outstanding citizens of this great nation and the world. To be a bright light on the horizon of tomorrow that will chase away the darkness of our fears. To show the world once again that We are Virginia Tech!" - President Charles Steger, Spring 2007 Commencement
I had to screenshot this adorable picture of Sydney with her telephone and a huge wave |
you can't get a better view on a day like 4/16 |
Mom, quit taking pictures and get us home so we can nap |
Naptime ended early for Ella-bear... so I enjoyed some snuggles with her. It doesn't get much better.
happy girl! |
And after a few reschedules due to weather, we finally were able to take Ella & Sydney's one year pictures! And what a beautiful, perfect day for it. The girls did great. Naturally, they both weren't smiling at the same time as we wanted them to, but that's our reality :) We arrived early and fed the girls in the back of the van so they would be fat and happy! Seriously, does it get any cooler than this minivan-picnic?
Momma feeding them a pouch post-turkey and cheese |
Sink, party of four |
Here are a few pictures we snapped with our phones.. I'll do a separate post with all the goodies!
Haha, Sydney. |
I love this.. Ella is about to destroy the backdrop while Sydney steals Ella's cake |
Caiti was awesome and saved her backdrop |
Daddy was working hard on building the ladies a swing set in the backyard (!!!), so we did lots of hanging out as us three girls. It seemed to be a theme lately. Look at these two peas in a pod, and Sydney with some PJ pants around her neck (??).
I found Sydney sitting in her little chair, and her side-kick not far away. |
Naturally, I live for naptime, and it was perfect weather to read, drink coffee, and watch Daniel and my dad work on the new swing set
Sydney was MIA. Sydney is a climber. Found Sydney in the basket of blankets.
And FINALLY... after Daddy worked so hard, and the weather was just perfect, it was time to swing in our very own backyard! The girls love it, Daniel and I love it... our friends with babies will soon love it.
Hi, Ella! |
pure joy! |
pure joy, x2! |
Daddy helps Sydney climb up into the fort |
<3 <3 <3 |
Sink ladies |
And after a trip to Home Depot and fixing up our double swing, the girls DIED. I mean, straight up laughed so hard, clapped their hands, and stomped their feet. Heaven for a baby.
double sinks in a double swing |
the finished product! babies and all... (well, missing a slide... but that'll happen soon enough) |
playing with our new toy box for the porch... so cute |
Ella decided she needed some extra snuggles when it was time for bed... so she snoozed and I read my book |
The girls had school pictures taken with a real bunny! Money doesn't magically show up at our house, so I opted to do professional family pictures vs. buying not-the-greatest school pictures. And because I'm super cheap, I took a picture of what was sent home. I'm such a badass mom, breaking rules.
Ella Grace |
Sydney Ann - she looks like she needs to poop |
"Get this thing off my lap" |
Their outfits are cute, right? |
We celebrated Aunt Annabeth's birthday at our favorite Mexican restaurant! The girls did AWESOME. They ate chicken and cheese quesadillas, a little bit of birthday cake, and lots of puffs. We were so proud of how great they did... Daniel and I had to high-five on the way home. Parenting win.... just this once, because we know it won't always happen that perfectly.
Sydney loved her quesadilla |
and she also loves her Uncle J |
Ella and the birthday girl! |
love my sweet girls... Ella also loves shoes and Sydney loves my necklace, ha! |
I had a lap filled with babies that wanted to be held. Even though it's tough to figure out how to get them on there and comfortable, I wouldn't trade it for anything. In these moments my heart is so happy, and of course I take way too many pictures.
We had an awesome date night. Our friends, Keith and Jane, paid for us to go out to eat while they babysat the girls (it was a shower gift... very generous and MUCH NEEDED!). We had some cocktails, ate a delicious dinner, and ended the night at Walmart. It doesn't get any more romantic than that, right??
The girls aren't smiling, but don't let them fool you, they had fun :) |
<3 |
Saturday morning in Momma & Daddy's bed |
favorite spot: the steps |
E&S love to be scared |
Happy Syd! And I spy: Ella's plate about to go into time-out |
Daniel has started something that I loathe. He feeds the girls off his plate. It makes me angry. They now want whatever you're eating. We cannot eat in peace without little tiny humans begging. I mean, it's cute every now and then, but no. Just no. Daniel, if you're reading this: stop it.
beggars |
We had my family over to hang out on the deck, watch hockey, and play on the swing set. It was great weather and we had a lot of fun :)
The next 100 pictures are a compilation of the Ella, Sydney, and Seth show. These three are awesome, and I'm so excited to watch them grow up together.
"who are you looking at?" -E |
cousins! Ella is clapping |
kisses from Ella and Sydney! |
we were singing "if you're happy and you know it" - and this is the part when "you're face will surely show it" and Ella grabs her cheeks. |
Seth wanted to be close to Ella |
cousins wearing overalls |
"Ella, I'm coming in... |
...for a big one!" |
"I can't forget about Sydney" |
After swinging, playing on the porch, and eating dinner.. it was time for a bath!
haha, Ella has a look of glee on her face! |
I can't help but laugh out loud... Seth loves to hold his junk, he even peed and laughed at one point. Boys. |
Another fun-filled day of good weather and happy babies!
Ella is drinking milk on the "watering hole" (aka hard surface away from the new carpet) and is clapping |
adorable Sydney |
you can always find the ladies on the steps! |
Since it was so nice outside, we took the girls to the park and explored all of their walking trails.
happy twins! |
I can't ever get enough of this view |
I can't handle the cuteness. |
We had a picnic snack out on the porch, and the girls have zero concept of personal space, but seem to get sharing. |
After dinner, we took the wagon and walked down to the lake and looked at the geese.
Ella & Daddy |
Sydney & Momma |
what a fun and perfect day! |
Oh yeah... on our fun and perfect day, something crazy happened - Sydney started to walk! I mean, like took 4-5 steps in a row over and over, not just a baby step. Here she is clapping and getting ready to walk to me!
Big things happened at daycare - E&S were moved to cots instead of sleeping in cribs. When it happened, I offered to give the teacher's wine - because there was just no way. And guess what.. they slept longer and better than they had in a LONG time at daycare. Happy dance!
Ella sleeping on her cot |
Sydney passed out on her cot |
I think we are going to have a zillion pictures on the steps, because that's just Ella & Sydney's happy place.
Little and Lovely |
Daddy picked up the girls from daycare and snapped a few pictures...
Sorry, Sydney, you cannot stand up under a table, despite your petite size. Also, where are your shoes? |
Ella was dressed up like a fireman! |
and ticked when Daddy put on the hat |
Sydney decided she wanted to climb into the stroller, and asked Ella to push her around. She's such a bossy little thing.
I received this picture of Sydney from daycare "making" alphabet soup. How cute is that idea??
I had a MOMs night out, so I had to see the girls on FaceTime only :( I always hate that, but need a good night out to feel refreshed and energized for my ladies!
the sweetest kisses from Sydney |
This picture cracks me up... Sydney is yanking off Ella's sock, and Ella thinks it's hilarious.
reading on a Saturday morning with my girl Elle. |
We went to the Herb festival at Maymont Park. Lots of fun looking at all the cool plants and herbs. Ella and Sydney did great eating lunch in their stroller, and of course were their own cute attraction for everyone else!
When it was getting close to naptime, we pulled out pacifiers. They love to share their pacis, and I snapped this picture of them sucking on each other's. I hope they always so-willingly share things, and are perfectly content with "what's mine is yours". Except boyfriends, you've gotta draw the line somewhere. |
we have a snoozer! love it when Sydney sleeps with her hands behind her head |
The next chapter of "babies on the steps" is continued below. I dare you not to smile.
We are so lucky. So lucky. |
after the babies go to bed, we hang out on the porch <3 |
"don't mess with me. I have a Mohawk and i'll drown you:" |
E |
S |
We are trying so hard to train the girls to not drink on the carpet. So far, they're doing a pretty good job!
Ella is working on her yoga, and Sydney is holding both cups hostage |
more yoga |
downward dog by Ella |
Another chapter of: cute babies climbing stairs.
We like to celebrate things at the Sink house. We really like to celebrate fun drinking holidays like Cinco de Mayo. We love Mexican food, we love margaritas, and we love an excuse to celebrate those that we love. So we called Grandma Georgia so we could binge-eat chips and white sauce, consume a few too many frozen margs with salt on the rim, and enjoy a good meal with our awesome neighbors!
not being a parent with my bff |
Remember when I told you we don't give the girls enough credit!? Well here we are: eating pouches all by ourselves! Wahoo!
family selfie at the steps! I'm pretty sure we took this to say hi to Harrison :) |
Ella has gotten so good at standing by herself at the stairs and Daddy was trying to get her to walk! |
haha, hey Sydney |
So much happy. A great spring month filled with so many fun things. I know you're over this post, so I'm just going to go ahead and hit publish and move onto the next one!
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