We blinked and four really wonderful years passed us by! I know that I say it each and every year, but I can't believe another year as come and gone. And four just seems so much... older. They are SO much more self sufficient, yet they need us for almost every aspect of their lives. The last half year has been increasingly difficult because with their independence has also come so many opinions and thoughts, many of them irrational. They have highs and lows that is fairly equivalent to being bipolar, but in a four year old way. But playing with them and listening to their imaginations run wild has been really so much fun. Their twin bond is still cool as shit and as tight as ever. The best way to describe what they are is like two little soulmates. They need one another. They can live and play in utter contentment when the other is around. They understand each other at a level that is indescribable. We are just so darn lucky to have front row seats to watching Ella and Sydney grow up.
At their four year check up, the doctor asked them what they wanted to be when they grew up. Ella wants to be a ballet dancer, and Sydney wants to be Rapunzel.
And this just about sums up the irrationality and bipolarness we are living in...
Straight outta timeout, ya'll. And trust me, timeout is like a second home to those tiny tushies.
We celebrated these two springtime bunnies with a "Some Bunnies are Turning Four" party at Romp 'n Roll. For the first time, I opted to go somewhere instead of hosting at our home, and guys... I may never go back. We literally showed up a few minutes before party time with only snacks and cupcakes in-hand. It was really pretty awesome, and it gave me plenty of time to focus on the birthday girls instead of stressing over party details. And with all that stress gone, they were able to help with their party prep! So much more fun.
putting the bunny tails on the goody bags |
tic tac toe! |
Their birthday fell on a Saturday, which was also the same day as their party. We left work a bit early the day before and spoiled them. They helped with their goody bags, we got ice cream, went shopping for one another, and ended up at the park and pizza afterwards. We all enjoyed soaking up the last little bits of three year olds!
they are weird and hilarious |
the most beautiful PB&J besties |
sweet, sweet girls |
I don't have any pictures, but we went to Target to shop. This was, hands down, the most fun thing we did all day, and we will definitely make this a new tradition for birthdays (and Christmas) going forward. Daniel and I each took a lady (Daniel took Ella and I had Syd), and we let each girl shop for her sister. They had a $10 limit, and found a toy the other would like. We even found cards, gift bags, and tissue paper. I love, love, loved it (and so did they!).
and a fun afternoon at the park :) |
And you know I'm sentimental, so I snuck in and snapped one last picture of those sweet, sleeping three year olds before I smothered them in kisses.
beautiful Ella Grace |
and the incredible Sydney Ann |
And then they were FOUR!
quick morning snuggle session |
they wrote their cards to each other and wrapped gifts before we exchanged them! |
Sydney picked out a purple stuffed fox (which Ella is calling a cat named KeKe) |
and Ella found a spiky purple ball for Sydney |
Momma and Daddy found the most perfect pink and purple Schwinns for our girls!
testing out the new ride |
snuggling with my birthday girls |
party time! they picked out their dresses (kind of... I showed them a few pictures) and pants |
And I don't have any pictures, but they helped me bake, ice, and decorate their birthday cupcakes!
Ella's special birthday cupcake |
and Syd's |
"Let us go into that room and play!" |
with cousin Abby, whom they just adore! |
I mean seriously, look at how much fun they're having! |
I asked them in the car if they wanted to have their own birthday song, or if they wanted everyone to sing to them together. They picked together :)
I mean, isn't Clara covered in icing just the cutest? |
bunny gift bags for our friends :) |
We headed over to CiCi's for dinner, and everyone crashed hard when we got home. We woke up the next morning and opened gifts, then had a special birthday treat from Grandma Georgia.
Getting super fancy and all dolled up for our princess party treat from Grandma!
ready to go! |
even princesses need to potty |
Grandma Georgia found tickets to a princess party at this "castle". It was right up Ella and Sydney's alley - they got to make wands/crowns, have a tea party, and meet princesses! Such a fun afternoon getting wrapped up in the magic with these girls.
besties headed into the "castle" |
taking a peek at the "ballroom" |
picking out rings from the special jewelry box |
they got to meet Elena of Avalor and take a picture next to her! |
and Ariel and Cinderella sang them Happy Birthday! |
happy, happy |
As little as our petite peanuts are, I can tell they are bigger because they no longer fit right up under my chin when I'm holding them. I know we are done having babies, and honestly I won't miss much about the baby stage, but I will miss having a little one fit right up on my chest, nestled under my chin.
And check them out... they pick out their own clothes (mostly), and some days decide not to match.
holding Sydney's hand to make her feel better |
And it's time for our annual stats...
29 lbs 6 oz
27 lbs 2 oz
Mexican date with our favorite neighbors |
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