Just when I thought the days of snuggling in the chair or bed under warm blankets with my sweeties were never-ending, the sun came out and the pollen started to fall and it was Springtime.
One of the coolest things I realized this Spring is how much more independent Ella and Sydney are. They started to play in the backyard - BY THEMSELVES. Daniel and I got to do yardwork or hang out on the porch while they let their imaginations run wild in our backyard. It has honestly been an eye opening season - where I can see that they don't need us quite so much, and I've enjoyed watching them blossom.
One funny story to remember is that a while ago I told the girls a story about how when they first learned to roll over, I left them both on the blanket and left the room, just to come back to only Ella on the blanket! I was momentarily freaking out thinking "I LOST A BABY!". Much to my surprise, Sydney had rolled all the way into the kitchen! Ever since then, Sydney will tell that story along with "When I was a baby...." story. I mean, some of these stories are from the prior week. One morning while we were getting ready for school, Sydney started with her "when I was a baby..." and Ella walked by and literally rolled her eyes and said "Oh, Syd, you and your baby stories...". I mean, are they not an old married couple or what!?
My favorite artist, Chalis from Twoodlou, surprised me with this amazing picture of Ella and Sydney. She scoured my Instagram page and found this kissing in the rain picture and turned it into one of her beautiful creations! I guess I spend so much money with her, she was so kind to surprise me!
Aunt Kelly asked the girls what they wanted from Disney World as a birthday gift. Sydney enthusiastically responded with "Anna and Elsa!!" (no surprise there), and Ella said "Olaf and Marshmallow!!". Aunt Kelly had a challenge, but look what she found!
living their best life |
Snuggling with Momma + Ella's favorite shirt (she says she gets to match daddy!) |
a few bunnies hopped across the front lawn |
on a quick little walk down the street |
We take pictures in front of the phlox every year... this year we were wearing our "Best Friends" dresses
2015 |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
blowing dandelions |
The simple joys are some of my favorites. Like picking as many flowers as possible and thinking it's so wonderful and beautiful, even though they are weeds.
Syd |
Ella spreading out her treasures |
And on April 16, 2019, this Hokie's heart was filled up with a day at the beach with my Hokie BFF and our Hokie babes.
chasing seagulls <3 |
"Momma take our picture with our sunglasses and fruit snacks" |
so giggly and adorable |
We had our first sushi experience, and I'm thrilled to report that Sydney was a huge fan! Ella... she's still undecided
eating sushi with chopsticks! |
"Momma, I found broccoli!" - that's a handful of pollen
barf. |
"take our picture with this doggie" |
peeked out the window and spotted this cute site |
my happy place |
We spent a fun afternoon at Hardywood (brewery) celebrating our favorite KK's birthday!
Ella was so content up there |
happy swinging Syd |
happy birthday, KK! |
bed full of babes and their friends |
"take our picture momma" -four year olds acting 14 |
Why is Sydney naked, you ask? She PEED ON HERSELF IN TIME OUT
Yes, we all needed a strong cocktail after this particular evening |
farm animal leotards, waiting for gymnastics to start |
my absolute favorite part of gymnastics - catching up with this cute guy, uninterrupted by tiny tots |
Sydney got a butterfly tattoo! |
We occasionally will talk to the girls about what it means to be twins. We try to explain they were in my belly at the same time, born on the same day... blah blah. The other day they were talking about their names and spelling them, and Sydney said to Ella "You have an uppercase E in your name and I have a lowercase e in my name and that makes us twins!!"
snuggled up tight |
hanging out next to their names |
Spent the most wonderful weekend with my BFF. We had delicious meals without being bothered by little people, had massages, and ate cheesecake in bed! So good for the soul |
The book fair came to the girls' daycare. They, obviously, wanted books, and my first thought was 'umm nope'. Then it occurred to me that it would be a good opportunity to introduce money/working for what you want. So they spent a few weeks doing things like picking up sticks and helping Grandma sort her shoes in her closet to earn money. They were then able to pick out a book and pay for it with their own $$
paying Ms. Zamora for their books |
finally enjoying a peaceful morning with these two playing like angels out on the porch |
porch picnic |
tricycles at Nana's house |
I know I've already told you that Daniel had his vasectomy. We went to his consultation and laughed the whole time... selfie of us laughing too hard:
Happy Sinks x3 |
We made the trek to our favorite SWVA spot because Matthew graduated college! Can't believe it - feels like yesterday that I was just meeting a 7 year old little brother for the first time.
beautiful day to play outside with the MacInnis crew! |
We thought it was the perfect time to try out sleeping in the same bed together. Knowing that they like to chit chat before bed, we made sure the girls were nice and played out, hoping for a quick bedtime. Buttttttt it just didn't work out. They talked so much that I had to sit in there for them to fall asleep. Then we heard them chatting and laughing at 1am, and of course they were up early. I'm glad they are besties, but dang... can you just cut off that twin bond and sleep for a while?!
it will be a longggg time before we get a "sisters sleeping in the same bed" pic |
We brought cots as a back-up, and the next day, they slept until 8:30! I had to make sure they were still breathing, they've never slept so long.
Matthew graduated.
It rained.
We found covered shelter.
Annabeth found a heated inside space. |
We headed back for lunch and rest, then grabbed the girls for his college graduation.
sweet sisters |
Yay, Uncle Mop! |
he did it! |
<3 <3 |
the whole crew! |
recreating this drillfield gem from 2016: |
Peeked in on the girls before I went to bed and saw Ella in the cutest position, with her KeKe wrapped up.
Just a few days after we came back from Blacksburg, we were on the road again - this time to Pittsburgh for Memorial Day weekend!
custard at Meadow's with Aunt Ann |
Uncle Donald took E & S on a walk, and was so cute holding their hands |
We spent a fun morning at the Phipps Conservatory. Kinsey was so wonderful with the girls, and they just adored her!
planting our own flowers |
face paint for the first time! |
such pretty girls |
Enjoyed a really good lunch afterwards
And rode the carousel so many times!
The next day, we found a fun, huge indoor play place
waiting so patiently for the train |
And with Memorial Day, we kicked off sweet summertime!
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