Wednesday, August 2, 2017

The Going-to-Bed-Series

Waiting for the girls to settle down and go to sleep is.... a long process.  Same thing for naptime.  It just takes them forever it seems.  We try not to go in and intervene unless a) someone is hurt or b) it's just been too damn long.  They want a tissue, water, milk, a hug, their back patted.  If they seem tired when it's bed time, just the act of walking up the stairs seems to give them a second wind.  They chat, laugh, hit each other, give hugs, steal toys, and just wreak havoc.  I can't normally hear what they're saying over the monitor, but the other night I was creeping outside their door and heard Sydney saying "Don't cry, Eyya, it's okay, Eyya".  Moments like that are so sweet - when nobody is watching, and they just love each other.  Just like this most adorable video.  Then, on the other hand, they do lots of sneaky and nasty things to each other... so everything in moderation, right?

The other day I caught the most hilarious interaction on video:

I initially started to video because I looked and Sydney was grabbing Ella by her collar and was yanking her towards her saying "Give me a hug, Eyya!"  They embraced for a few minutes, but I wasn't able to get that recorded in time.  Then, they started to practice high fives and booms.  So stinking adorable!

I guess everyone seems to think that having twins is always rainbows and butterflies and happy times.  Don't get me wrong, I freaking love being a mom of multiples, but sometimes they're savage.  Like what I caught last night:
Disclaimer: nobody was hurt in the making of the most recent Going-to-Bed video.  They didn't start crying until someone decided biting was the next appropriate action.

Praise Baby J for video monitors!  Can I get an Amen!?

Stay tuned, I'm sure we'll have lots more to come!

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