Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Love, laughter, and adulting

I always struggle each year making a Christmas list.  Daniel and I don't give each other much, but our parents are awesome and always like to spoil us with things we like.  I normally ask for boring things that we need like body wash, paper towels, and refrigerator filters.  Daniel, on the other hand, never has a problem coming up with a list full of toys.  Last year I decided I needed to come up with something I REALLY wanted - and what more can a mom of twin babies what?  That's right - a night away!  Georgia graciously gave us a gift certificate for a night away in Yorktown Beach, and we finally redeemed it.  Actually, we went a step further and tacked on an extra night and took off a full day of work, for a longggg relaxing weekend!

To say we needed this getaway is the 2017 Understatement of the Year.  We love our girls more than life itself, but sometimes as a parent you just have to press the reset button.  In this crazy circus of our life, we needed to take a few days to remember that above being parents we are a married couple, and often put each other on the back-burner.

So, I put together my packing list:
cheez its
bathing suits

It kind of ended there, ha!  I'm just kidding, but it seemed to me that those were the essentials.

So anyways, we packed up and sent the kiddos to Nana and Papa's house.  We made a pit stop in Williamsburg and shopped a little, had lunch, and visited Daniel's favorite brewery, Alewerks.  We arrived in Yorktown, parked our car and didn't get back in it until we left on Sunday.  We didn't have a schedule - we decided what to do on a whim.  We didn't have to cut up anyone's food, wipe hineys or hands, break up fights, or think about naptime and mealtime.


we arrived!  view from our room

after we checked in, we spent a while at the pool

we finished up at the pool and got cleaned up for dinner - gorgeous (and hot!) evening

we indulged in so much delicious food and drink!  the first night we had a crab-stuffed pretzel, a magic blackberry drink, and split a seafood broil... all while listening to live music

after dinner we sat on the rocks and enjoyed the sun setting over the bridge and turned to view a lightning show over the water

after a fantastic night's sleep (thanks, Benadryl), we found coffee, ate breakfast, and spent the morning on the beach.  We decided (again - on a whim!) that it was most appropriate to have ice cream for lunch.

<3 <3
So much love, laughter, and adulting.  I missed the heck out of our beautiful girls, but we needed this oh-so-bad. 

So to all of my mom-friends out there - struggling and exhausted from little people. 
Plan it.  Do it.  You won't regret it.
Don't forget - you were married before you were parents ;)

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