Monday, June 5, 2017

Easter with our Baby Bunnies

I love Easter - a spring day filled with family, food, and now - little ones running around searching for Easter eggs!  Some years Easter is rainy or cold, but this year it was perfect.  We did a few egg hunts for the girls and they LOVED IT!  It was so fun to watch them spy an egg, squeal, and stash it in their baskets.  They didn't care if they were filled with anything (last and only year of that, I'm sure), and also didn't care how many they found.!

Springtime fun in the yard with the sand table
On a whim we decided to "practice" hunting Easter eggs.  We literally just stood and threw eggs into the grass, and they did it over and over and over!


later that day we took the girls for a walk to Brusters.  They chowed down on the cones (ice cream was separate :) )

and ended our awesome springtime day with a horsey-ride from Daddy
We always celebrate Easter with my family on Saturday, and the Sinks host (Kelly does Thanksgiving, my mom does Christmas).  It makes Sunday a less-stressful day, and I love that we stretch it out.  We kept the food low-key and easy, had a neighborhood Easter egg hunt in the morning, and did a small one for all grand-kiddos in our backyard.

Ella's belly

...Sydney's turn

so pretty and so sweet!

neighborhood egg hunt

Ella was so cute - she took her sweet time, and squealed with each egg she found

Sydney was a little baby-boss and won her age-division for the girls.  We won't mention the only other girl in her age group she was competing against was Ella...

even sweet pretty girls pick their noses! ha

Cousins <3

a fun backyard egg hunt with our family

Ella really knows how to properly find eggs... she didn't put that shovel down for a second

Sydney was checking out her loot, then promptly started throwing her eggs out so she could find them again

a gaggle of geese swinging

we celebrated Papa's birthday!

have food?  you'll attract these two beggars in a hot second.
After everyone left, we had a glow in the dark egg hunt.  I found these awesome egg glow sticks, and the girls loved every single second of it.  They did it over and over and over.  We laughed so hard at how excited they got.

they waited behind the dishwasher until it was time to go.. they were so excited!
Best part of the entire weekend, hands down.
After our adorable little ladies were tucked into bed, the Easter Bunny came.  Let's be honest, the girls just got lucky because I found some cute $$ section items from Target, and Babies R Us had a B1G1 Free deal on bubble mowers.

Ella Grace Sink & Sydney Ann Sink
the two cutest little bunnies in all the world


We headed over to Grandma's house for a Staley Easter gathering. 

best part of the day - adult Easter egg hunt.  Daniel & Matthew crack me up

Sink family of four on Easter Sunday
This year, Easter oddly fell on April 16th.  It was weird.  Strange.  Didn't feel right to be on a holiday.  But, alas, we move on.
April 16, 2007. It's more than just one tragic day. It's an event that has guided decisions we've made in the last 10 years. Hokies spend their lives honoring the 32 we hold in our hearts. Every day. Make the world a better place. Fill it with love, kindness, and goodness.
the best way to end a tough/weird/happy day - snuggled up with my girls

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