Monday, June 5, 2017

A dozen teeth, sickness, and single-mom-hood

That's how many teeth the #doublesinks are collectively cutting.
Eight canines, four molars.

Teething twins is hard as shit.  They both want to be held and loved on, but don't want to share their space with anyone.  Trust me girls, I wish I had a bigger lap and an extra set of arms.

We knew about a few canines.  I discovered the rest + molars when I was giving the girls a bath.  Alone.  Why was I alone?  Because Daniel went to PA for the Pens/Caps game.  I knew that's why they had been so fussy, and was secretly fuming at Daniel for leaving me with two bitchy, teething babes.  I know he didn't know, and I know I can handle it, I was just bitter.

But wait, there's more.  A few hours after Daniel left, we went for a walk, and Ella only wanted to be carried.  She didn't eat dinner, only a few strawberries.  Sigh.

They slept great, and I went in to wake them up for school the next morning and at some point in the night, Ella had thrown up her dinner, which was only strawberries.  Do you know what that looks like?  A crime scene.  A bloody crime scene.

Normally when someone has puked, one of us takes the sick kid and bathes her while the other one starts to do laundry/clean-up.  I had to do it all by myself, and it just sucked.  I had to clean Ella, clean her crib, clean her toys she puked on, oh... and also had Sydney to get ready and out of the mess.  I decided she was acting okay and took her to school.  Any decision like this is hard on a momma's heart, because I really just want to stay home and snuggle.

A few hours later, I got the dreaded call from daycare that Ella was running a fever.  I didn't have a choice but to leave work and go get her.  We had the perfect storm of 0 help - my mom was tied up with my Grandma and our neighbors were in Blacksburg dealing with an emergency appendectomy on Abby.  On the way home, Ella puked everywhere.  I had to get her home, cleaned up, car seat cleaned up, work, and then later on go get Sydney.  The next day, I had to get Sydney to and from school, all while dealing with a sick Ella bear, and also working.  It was so sad, so hard, and so exhausting.  I couldn't wait for Daniel to come home.  He's my partner, my better half, and he makes being a parent so much easier.

We are all fine.  I know it could be worse.  We have healthy children, and these things happen, but I was just tired and sad.  So I'm just whining.  Some days it's really tough to be a mom.  This was one of those tough times.  We survived, we're all fine, just a little worse for the wear.

Sydney was ready for breakfast!  She put on her bib, and proceeded to then put Ella's on her

my lap and arms were filled up with teething, clingy babes

sweet Syd, and the cutest little pigtails

Snacktime with the crew - babies, monkeys, #doublesinks.  Ella is such a good mom to her baby, and shared her snack

afternoon walk - we found dandelions, and did "cheers"

sick Ella :(

Sydney wanted to snuggle, too.

Getting Sydney to and from daycare with a sick Ella was the hardest part.  She only laid her head on my shoulder getting in/out of the building, and fell asleep on the way home.  I carried her in and we both rested <3

I lost count of how many baths she needed

I had to pat her little back so she'd go to sleep, and I could sneak downstairs to work.  She sure does love that baby! 
pro tip: I got smart and wrapped everything in towels
A few hours later while I was sitting in the drs office with one sick kid and one fussy kid, Daddy came!  Wahoo!  I promised he would never take another trip again.
(until he convinced me a few short weeks later to do it all over again....)

P.S. the Pens lost.

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