Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Winter: Kicking off 2019

We wrapped up the fun Christmas season and dove right into the cold beginning of 2019

typical scene: two pooping kids.  seriously - they always manage to poop in tandem, and in order to keep them on task... they need a referee

Can't you just hear those squeals and giggles?

love how much joy a swing can bring

our favorite friend came over to play in the backyard

family game night: Kerplunk!

creeped in to find Ella snoozing on Pebbles

oh hey pretty girl!

We recently moved the rocking chair our of their room and added a dollhouse

"Can you please take our picture with our doggie??"

it's a leggings and a hoodie sort of day

I spy two girls laughing at each other, and a kitty cat they are convinced is a dog named Pebbles

they dressed themselves
fancy shoes
fancy tutu
farm leotards
fair wings
They also put on a dance show for us and it was hilarious and adorable:
I love that sweet "Do it again momma!" from Sydney

getting squeaky clean at Grandma's with Blakely!

sweet kitty dresses

Ella loves snuggling up in your lap... Syd is wearing mittens and a fancy tutu

at the Lehman's celebrating Everett's first birthday

from 2nd grade to 2 kid a piece!

on our graduation day - June 2005


the owners who had purchased Daniel's childhood home were selling, and we were able to all go over and sneak one last peek.... here's Daniel's old room <3

no better place to be than smothered underneath these dumplings

they are completely unphased and so content being ON TOP of each other

Ella couldn't get enough of her Daddy

well, that's one way to shop at Target... splitting a pretzel (aka, please let me shop in peace for a few minutes)

while Daddy's away snowboarding, Momma treats you to chicken nuggets and ice cream cones

Princess Ella is pooping, Princess Sydney is getting hydrated

.... and remember what I said about them pooping in tandem??

gymnast Ella up on the beam

I'm sure the coaches weren't thrilled with them, but this momma's heart just skipped a little
One evening after gymnastics, we had arranged to meet Kim and Jeff for Mexican.  I took Ella with me and my car, and Daniel brought Syd.  On the way to eat, I asked Ella what she was going to order and she said "Umm...tacos.. and white sauce.. and rice.  And the adults are going to get dat yellow drink where you lick the sides".
warmer February day means scooters and tutu overalls

and a little joy ride... their faces are priceless
We almost always go to the Couringtons for the Super Bowl.  It's not super relaxing or exciting with two little ones who don't care a single bit about football.  We ate dinner and watched things on our tablets... one day they'll party harder.

they snuggled up next to me in the midst of the loud cheering and chaos
February brought with it just a few love outfits

sweet, sweet girls

little bears

Ella bear is brushing her own teeth
My alarm goes off at 5:45, and after I hit snooze a few times, I get myself ready before getting the girls up and ready.  Very rarely, I'll hear the pitter patter of a few feet earlier than I'm ready for.  On this particular morning, Ella woke up wayyyy too soon, so I asked her to read a book.  I peeked in on her and discovered a second little girl snuggled up reading.
view from my bathroom

We were talking about spelling of our names, and Sydney said to Ella "You have an uppercase E in your name and I have a lowercase e in my name and that makes us twins!!"

We had to get our eyes checked, and I was planning to brave the doctor solo.  My mom caught wind, realized I was in over my head, and insisted on coming, too.  Thankfully so, because they both had their eyes dilated.  And all good news, healthy eyes x4!

statement sunglasses and lollipops
My heart is shattered because Robin's sweet mama passed away from cancer on February 8th.  Wanda was the most caring, wonderful, and amazing woman, and she will be sorely, sorely missed.  There were probably around 500 people at her Visitation.  I mean, her legacy is just astounding.  She was Robin's best friend, and it is heart breaking to know the grief and pain she'll now have for the rest of her life.  It's a void that will never be filled, but Robin - I'll do the best I can to support, love, and look out for you.
after a long few days, but finally sitting down and smiling!
Daniel attended one of the services, so meanwhile at Grandma's....

Doritos give me those feels, too, Syd

<3 <3

conversation hearts meets gymnastics

And we've finally arrived at Valentine's Day!  I'm sad to say that this year I didn't get around to writing their love letters.  Maybe next year my tiny love bugs... I don't love you any less!

my heart could burst wide open, Happy Valentine's Day!
Let me walk you through the irrationality and bipolar-ness of 3 year olds.
Monday morning: Sydney has a meltdown because her socks have dots on the bottom
Tuesday morning:
Me: Sydney, what are you doing?
Sydney: Looking at these little dots on my socks!  I like them!

Accepting donations of booze, ya'll.

We spent a really lovely afternoon having lunch at 5 Guys (Daniel taught the girls how to crack open peanuts), and then headed to Target to spend a Christmas gift card on new dress up clothes.

This girl's intensity is seriously one of a kind... get those peanuts, girlfriend

Fancy Nancy and Vamprina

they started out on their own arm rest, but Ella wasn't having that

cozy winter evening with my little ladies

snuck out for dinner with this guy to celebrate my promotion :)

that tiny toosh, adorable grin, and pigtails...

snuggle sesh watching Netflix... life skills

celebrating Dr Seuss this week!

you know I can't resist a comparison pic
"You have brains in your head
You have feet in your shoes
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose"
-Dr Seuss
Two sweet Cat in the Hats for Dr Seuss's birthday!

Hungry Hungry Hippo with Jacob

took those three on a walk

new bathroom print
Rub a dub dub two monsters in the tub

and I treated myself to new bathroom artwork for myself :)

someone woke up while momma was still getting ready... look at that adorable bright-eyed face!
While I was putting on make-up that morning, Sydney was sitting on the toilet watching me, and exclaimed "Oh, how amazing!!"
She knows how to make a girl feel good :)
I see a recurring theme...

walked in to find these two squeaky clean and snuggly monsters pretending to take a quick snooze
It's FRY-DAY ya'll!

I mean.... <3

they kicked their photographer to the curb and took matters into their own hands
Daddy had a suspected case of the flu, so we spent a very long week trying not to share germs and stay afloat
Target run for Gatorade and flu essentials

Daddy was in attendance, just not an active participant

getting my nails did
look at how happy Ella is to be touching her daddy again!  we missed him!

look whose back!
Daylight savings with children is some form of torture.
To get ahead of the game, we skipped a nap and went to visit some old people friends and bring them joy.  First stop: flowers.

exhibit a: daylight savings time day 1


she knows how to put on her own shoes
she has her daddy wrapped around her finger



St Patrick's Day 2019
that's right, lucky mama right here

ribs and fried okra!

pregaming for school
(aka everyone gets a round of cough medicine)

I took Ella and Sydney shopping at Kohls for a birthday present for Daniel.  They wanted to pose in front of all the mannequins.  This is the best one yet:
Seriously, they are perfectly content holding hands with a half-naked mannequin in the lingerie section.  They don't need any more toys.
Sydney picked out a Star Wars tie
not pictured: Ella picked out a bathing suit
Then we headed to McDonald's for dinner (they picked, not me)


celebrating this cute guy turning 33!

then we had ribs for his birthday dinner
they love to eat "bones"

Happy Birthday, my love.  I am infatuated with this life we've made together

Sydney had a sick day at home with me, so that meant she was spoiled rotten doing things she never typically gets to do...
helping me fix my coffee

doing laundry

dining al fresco
We are less than a week into Summer... not too bad given my blog update track record.

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