Monday, April 10, 2017

Our two are two!

Did you miss it?  The last year went by in the blink of an eye!  I swear, the second year went by quicker than the first.  I mean, don't get me wrong - the first year whizzed by, too, but we had more time to sit and enjoy our sweet sleeping babies and stare at them while we were feeding them bottles.  Now, we are chasing them around, cutting up food and serving meals and cleaning up four little hands and two little mouths, getting sippy cups of water and wiping runny noses.  We are picking them up from a fall, kissing boo boos, and breaking up toddler fights.  The laid-back life with babies has been kicked into high gear.  Although, I should use the term laid-back very loosely, because that shit was still crazy and hard.

I think birthdays are a big deal for the birthday person(s), but an even bigger deal for the parents.  It's a time to step back and see how far you've come.  It means that you get to reflect on all the happiness those little people bring into your lives.  Not only are our children a year older, but we, too, have made it another year.  Two years ago I never would have imagined this is what life with twins would look like.  I never knew the joy and happiness that being a parent would bring.  Two years ago, we were scared out of our minds.  We were excited and nervous and couldn't wait to meet our sweet girls.  I remember the weekend before filled with so much anticipation.  We ate out every meal, we laid around and watched Netflix.  We prepped and made everything perfect, so we could bring our twins home to a home filled with so much love.  I couldn't wait for my big, huge, heavy belly to go away.  I couldn't wait to take a deep breath and also to see my ankles again.  I'm not going to lie - I don't remember a whole lot about their birth-day.  I was sick and drugged up, but through that haze, I was in such awe and my heart was so happy.  Fast forward to today, some days it seems like a haze, but I'm still in awe and my heart is absolutely overflowing with such happiness.

We spent their day doing all sorts of fun two-year-old things.  Daniel and I both took the day off just to love on our sweet girls.

The night before we went to Don Pepe with Annabeth.  They sung to the girls and they had their first Choco Taco!  They surprisingly knew how to blow out their candles.  We came home and we have been working on this #twinning birthday situation:

I think it's hysterical.  One birthday, probably even next year, they'll realize that it's BOTH of their birthdays, so this year was fun to teach them!

Then our rambunctious Sydney girl started to feel warm and got quiet and cuddly.  She had a 101 temp!  What the heck - just in time for her big day :(
Ella loving on her sis
She got a dose of motrin, they both got a bubble bath and were able to watch Mickey before bed time.  We snuggled our one-year-olds close.
Before I went to bed, I crept into their room and scooped each one up.  You know, I'm a super sentimental person, so I had to squeeze my girls one last time before they officially turned two.  I grabbed Ella and she laid her head into the crook of my neck and I whispered to her how much she was loved by her Momma and Dada.  I then told her how much joy she brings to our lives, how much we love her sweet personality, and love to hear her belly laughs.  She was then smothered in kisses and I laid her back down.  Next up was Sydney's turn.  I picked up our tiny little lady and she said (asleep) "rockin' chair".  Why of course I will rock you, my sweet baby girl.  When I was telling her how much I loved her, she told me "i luh you" (again, asleep).  God bless, how did my heart not explode all over the place?  I told her how much her tiny size and massive personality fill up our lives with so much goodness.  I kissed her all over and put her back into her crib.  Then I teared up a little bit.  How are these two mine?  I'm officially the luckiest in the whole wide world.

We woke up the next morning to their sweet little voices and giggles.  We bust into their room with big huge birthday wishes!
the toddler version of reading while going to the bathroom

there they go!
The night before I decided they should open up some gifts on their big day.  I don't know why the heck I didn't think of it before, but I scrambled and Daniel wrapped up some fun things.
They were SO cute.  They would rip off a small piece and hand it to one of us and say "dare-ye-go" (there you go), and repeated it the whole time.  Adorable.
Sydney and her sit 'n spin and Minnie Mouse

the breakfast of birthday champions - sprinkle pancakes and chocolate milk
After playing with their new toys and getting ready, we headed off to one of their favorite places, the Children's Museum.
Ella is two, Sydney is too!

our sweet, beautiful two year olds

and that's a wrap!
CMoR fun
Ella's favorite place - the green grass area, lawn mower, and bridge

Captain Sydney is driving the ship

this girl right here is going to be a strong little maniac
Their tiny little voices!  Gah!
Peek-a-boo, I see you
quick pit stop in the diner for a snack that consists of pita bread, lettuce, a pepper, and steak.  Don't forget the mustard!
We had big plans of eating lunch at Chik-fil-a and letting them play in the play place, but Sydney's fever had other plans.
Ella enjoyed chicken nuggets, french fries, and her own cup of ketchup

poor Sydney :(
Another favorite activity: taking Daisy for a walk
love the phlox :)
Sweet Frog for birthday dessert!  
And to round out a day full of birthday fun, the girls got to have a bubble bath in the big tub!

Two years of more happiness than we could have ever dreamed of!

A few days later, we visited the pediatrician for our two-year well check-up!  Here are the stats:
Ella Grace
22 lbs 10 oz
31.25" tall
Healthy and tiny!  Ella finally made it out of the "less than 3%" part of the growth chart - she's now 4%!

Sydney Ann
19 lbs 3 oz
31" tall
Healthy and VERY tiny!  Sydney is very, very comfortably in the "less than 3%" section of the growth chart.

Staying put in a doctor's office is hard.  they were drawing Minnie Mouse and Daisy Duck

Sweet kisses for Ella

they did great!  such good listeners :)

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