Monday, January 23, 2017

Little Humans - updated

**BREAKING NEWS for the blog updates.... I have figured out how to upload videos (hopefully!)**

Since I haven't posted an update in a while - THINGS ARE CHANGING.  The girls are developing like crazy.  Each and every day it seems like there's something new.  It's fun - and it's also challenging.  Along with their new found tricks, they also are starting to get a little attitude-ish.  I see glimpses of our "terrible twos" and "threenager" stages, and think it's a good idea to start stockpiling the wine.  I'm going to say... this shit is hard.  Daniel told some friends the other night that he thinks this stage is the hardest, and I have to agree.  Keeping them entertained, disciplining, and with them getting into EVERYTHING... it's very challenging.

They've added the following to their bag of tricks:

MONKEY SEE MONKEY DO.  This is seriously the name of our game.  If one does something, the other has to.  I mean EVERYTHING.  It's so cute (and sometimes frustrating).  And they do it so much, that we have to make that their SECOND birthday theme: Monkey See, Monkey Do... Ella & Sydney Are Turning TWO!

(when did that happen?  our itty bitty girls getting ready to turn two!?)

Saying "no no" to each other.  For example (video evidence below), they are eating dinner and Sydney starts to play with her plate.  I tell Sydney that she needs to put her plate down and eat dinner, and Ella follows up with "No No, Sydney".  Not only does she tell her no, she gets the finger wagging in, too.  Hilarious.  The good news is she seems to think she knows what's right vs. wrong.  The bad news is she proceeds to pick up her plate and play with it, completely voiding her scolding.  One year old hypocrites.  And it's not just Ella, they do it to each other.  Monkey see, monkey do.

Saying "mine".  Starting at New Years when we were at Emmett's house, Ella said "mine!" and shocked me.  She hasn't stopped since.  We took the girls to Lewis Ginter to see the lights and they were in the jogging stroller.  Sydney desperately wanted to hold Ella's hand and kept reach over, Ella didn't want to hold Sydney's hand and kept jerking away saying "MINE!".  I mean, it is her hand, and it's funny... but we don't condone unkind behavior! lol

Speaking of... I suck as a mom.  Seriously.  I cannot discipline to save my freaking life.  I look in their cute little eyes and I want to laugh.  Daniel tells me how bad I am.  I always say "look at my nose" and they point to their nose, and their eyes get big, and I melt.  BAD MOM.

Two word phrases are starting to pop up.  And they are using everything they can to communicate.  The other day - with a combination of words and gestures, Sydney brought me over a booger... and told me that what was on her finger came from her nose.
...And in the 3 weeks since I started this blog post, this weekend I started to hear a three word phrase.  WHAT!?

Our favorite pastime: visiting Daisy!  Our neighbors have an awesome little pug that the girls go nuts over.  Look at this gem I caught on video when we told the girls we were going to visit Daisy.  The expressions!

Aunt Kelly gave them Cabbage Patch dolls for Christmas.  They are little mommas in the making - they pick up their "baby!" and hold them, rock them, and say "shh!".  It's so cute - Ella loves to do this job more than Sydney.  Sydney is more concerned that their little hats stay on their head.  "hat! hat!"

They are starting to recognize shapes - their two favorites are a star and a heart.  Their little felt Christmas tree really helped with that.  One day, Sydney picked up a felt heart ornament and said "heart! boom-boom boom-boom" and beat it on her chest.  She's been doing it ever since - seriously the cutest thing ever.

I don't think this is really anything new, but the girls eat bananas like real humans.  I don't think it's a new development, but it's still awesome - and super convenient.
we eat bananas like real people now... see!

YA'LL.  E & S CAN NOW OFFICIALLY CLIMB DOWN THE STAIRS ON THEIR OWN.  This is a HUGE development.  I don't have to pick them both up, go downstairs without falling, and set them both down without dropping someone.  This is really a breakthrough for us!

One Saturday morning we were watching the oh-so-popular-and-captivating Little Baby Bum and The Wheels on the Bus came on.  What do you know - they both did all the hand movements!  The wheel turned, the baby cried (wah wah wah!) and the momma said shh!  I was flabbergasted.  You know, when your little ones are in daycare and you don't get to see what they're learning, times like this are so surprising.  And I'm so proud of them!
I caught Ella yesterday saying "A-B-C-D" over and over.  This girl knows the first four letters of the alphabet! 
The last few weekends, they've woken up at different times during their naps.  You have to be a little sneaky during nap time, because it seems like they are more likely to wake each other up than in the middle of the night (even though that still happens....).  So each time I had one "go wake up" the other one, I recorded it.  SO.CUTE!
Okay, these videos - if they work - are life changing.  I LOVE looking back on old blog posts and seeing how far we've come, and the memories we've made.  I've been hoping for a while I could figure out, somehow, adding videos.  This might just be the ticket!  This is my living, breathing journal that I really do cherish, so I'm beyond thrilled!  And, Ella and Sydney, when you read this one day, I'm happy that you can look back and WATCH how stinkin' cute you two are.

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