November 30th: eight crazy months have passed since we delivered two beautiful baby girls. Man, they just light up our whole entire world.
Breaking news: they can sit up! All by themselves! Hallelujah! I have to say, I think things have gotten loads easier. They sit nicely and play together. I can pick them both up and set them down (vs. laying them down) simultaneously! So the daycare routine is easier to handle. They also sit in the bathtub and play, which is fun! Bathtime is no longer a survive-and-keep-babies-from-drowning situation.
More breaking news: Da-da. Repeat, repeat, repeat. That's right, our sweet daddy's girl, Sydney, is saying da-da! We had just enjoyed a "Thanksgiving lunch" with them at daycare and were changing their diapers, when plain as day, Sydney said it. And did it a few more times. And she hasn't stopped since. We are still waiting for Ella to hop on the da-da train, and also for both of them to recognize the lady that grew them.
The girls are so happy and so fun. They seem to learn and develop more and more each day. They are eating baby food (breakfast and lunch at daycare because I hate feeding baby food. Hate it.). Ella is having a rough time sleeping, so I'm crossing my fingers she snaps out of that phase. Soon. Although, Ella wins a gold star for HOLDING HER BOTTLE ON HER OWN. That's right people, praise baby J, because we can prop her up in a boppy and she does it all by herself. Daniel and I yearned for the day they would hold their own bottles. Things are infinitely easier when you can sit next to Ella and feed Sydney. You just have no idea. Sydney on the other hand has zero interest in holding her own bottle, or eating for that matter. We still struggle to get her to eat.
So the theme for the 8th month is: easier. Things are getting easier. They aren't yet mobile, sitting on their own, I can transport them solo easier, and Ella is a freaking champ for holding her own bottle.
Roll that beautiful baby footage:
Remember last month when we had too much confidence in their sitting ability and Sydney took a dive off her box? Well check out these beauties. |
Ella's Buddha belly... I can't even. |
there isn't stopping anything from going into their mouths |
Beautiful Ella Grace |
the way she sits is so pretty - straight back, feet together |
you don't get a happier baby than this one right here |
she just loves her daddy so much |
<3 |
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