Things have been busy for us during this fall season - football, birthdays, weddings, and just general working, living, and parenthood :) We've tried to steal all the snuggles we can, and relax when we have a free day.
Ella-Bear looking pretty on a Sunday morning. She's wearing her rugby stripes in honor of Sarah-since we had brunch with her that morning! |
Ella is laughing hysterically at Daniel singing a little "do-do-do-do-doooo" tune and dancing. |
happy ladies and their momma! slowly working our way into 3-6 month clothes |
23 weeks and wearing cute outfits from our stylish friend, Ashley |
We are slowlyyyy starting to work our way into baby food. The first step: the girls get to sit with us while we eat dinner at the kitchen table!
happy ladies, sitting pretty in their high chairs for the first time |
At work we celebrated a coworkers 25th anniversary, which is a huge deal. I was happy with all of the glittery silver decorations for her silver anniversary, and had to document
I can't ever pass up a chance for a cute picture..
happy girls in their bouncers, before daycare and looking cute as ever in their coordinated outfits - you have no idea how hard it is to find the same outfit in two different colors, so I take every opportunity to document |
I found some itty bitty pumpkins for E&S at the grocery store. Of course I had to take a few pictures, and I bet you can't guess which one is our dramatic twin and apparently doesn't like pumpkins. And Sydney's expressions are just priceless.
"Umm... what's happening over there..?" -S |
"haha.. I'm being good" or "haha.. I just pinched her" -S |
We love all things twins. If there is something we can do to really use our multiples to every cute advantage we can, we're game. If I can match them, I'm going to. Thing 1 and Thing 2? All day long. Daniel had a genius idea for onesies for the girls..
Happy girls, ready for the game to start |
I guess "Gobble Gobble Bitches" will be frowned upon, so we stuck with something more PG. Maybe in a few years, ladies.
And the football shenanigans continue - the girls are looking fly for NFL football Sunday in their Steelers onesies. And of course, I loved my full, beautiful, and happy lap.
Daniel & I decided to get out some new toys for the girls to play with. I even said out loud "we don't really need two of every single thing". Well, I'm confident they heard me because immediately after we put down this crinkly Minnie Mouse book, they both wanted it. Sydney didn't like that Ella was grabbing for it, so she rolled over twice to get away from her. Let the drama and teaching to share begin.
25 weeks old |
chewing on our letters, because we are too badass for formula |
new bath seats from some of our twin friends! We are still kind of slippery and not very stable, but we had fun anyways! |
Sometimes life is hard. For instance, staying awake post-bottle to be burped.
I feel you, Ella, life's tough.
The girls have been enjoying new scenery - different than the usual blanket-on-the-family-room-floor. Here's a happy girl, Syd, who can't keep her feet off the table. I'm telling you what - this girl is trouble.
I'm going to post 100 more of these "my lap is full and I can't get enough" pictures. Seriously. Melt my heart, I simply cannot stand it.
thanks, Daniel, for getting a different view of my full lap. |
happy ladies |
"Oh good morning, Ella! How did you sleep last night?" (at least I'd like to think that's what their conversations are like) |
Some days are really very hard. Being a mom is tough. Having one baby is certainly tough, but throw in another human, and life is sometimes too tough to manage. Don't get me wrong - I'm always completely grateful for our two beautiful girls, just sometimes defeated and tired. This was one of those days. I had spent my very first (and glorious) night apart from the girls. I went and put myself on bedrest with Robin (it's an act of solidarity that I would do anytime for my BFF). Not only did I get to spend time with my pregnant best friend, but I took Benadryl and slept all night long - without monitors, crying babies, or a snoring husband. Though, I love all of that dearly, sometimes it's so nice to not have that white noise at night. Anywho, I left Stafford and picked up the ladies from daycare because Daniel was enjoying some boy-time (which he totally deserved). I was expecting a glorious reunion where they smiled and laughed at me, but that didn't happen. I walked into a room where the daycare worker handed me two cold bottles. What's the problem with that? Well, we had asked them to be fed at 4:30 (I showed up at 5), and was planning to spend the evening with them in my lap, while we smiled at each other and watched Scandal. I know that having twins means your middle name is flexible, but I couldn't handle this curve-ball. I left the daycare crying (mainly because they didn't care that they had wrecked my whole evening - I mean lady, are you going to come home with me and help me feed them?). So I get them home, my amazing neighbor rescues me and helps me feed them. I decide that tonight is the night I will bathe them together - all by myself (baths are hard. you have to make sure that your children don't drown, and that's not an easy task). So here's a super cute picture of them taking a bath in our bath tub.
two sweet, cute, smiling faces. I repeat - two cute, sweet, smiling faces. Breathe. Repeat. |
Oh, why are they in our bath tub? Well, you see, I was being brave bathing them by myself, feeling like a total rockstar. Ella was clean, and Sydney was all suds-ed up. And what do you know, Ella decided that was the perfect time to empty her bowels. Right there, all over the tub, staring up at her momma - who was no longer a rockstar. So I didn't have time to panic, and whisked them out and rinsed off Ella, all covered in shit. We ended up in my bathroom, and in my beautiful garden tub. Pro tip: a very deep garden tub isn't the ideal location for bathing two babies.
So here we are - happy and warm and clean little ducklings. I was trying to dry them off, diapers, lotion, and PJs for two babies that want to roll all over the place. I didn't know if I should cry or laugh. I did both.
It's true. Twins know when you're solo. They know exactly when you're by yourself and they gang up on you. And they also know when you're at your wits end - when you're too tired to cry, and mad at yourself for not being more patient or more grateful. And just at that time, they make your heart melt.
They talked and looked at each other for a long while. So, so, so sweet. There isn't anything better than their twin bond <3 |
So post-meltdown-and-bathtub-fiasco, we settled in for Scandal and a full lap. I can't get enough of this crazy, beautiful, awesome life. And couldn't wait for Daniel to get home.
The 2015 World Cycling Competition came to Richmond. I'm so thankful I had to walk one block up from work on my lunch break and witness the coolest thing ever. Huge packs of cyclists whizzing by.
a huge convoy of Lexus' |
And here we go again... groundhog day.
holding on tight to each other. |
We put our big girls in their stroller for the first time sans-car seats! They did awesome and are beyond cute.
When Daniel was working so hard on the nursery, he painted and hung the girls' beautiful monograms. Little did we know, we decided very early on to put Ella on the left and Sydney on the right. The only thing is, we didn't get around to changing their monograms. I came home from work one day to a fun surprise - Daniel switched them up! We also put their crib-rail-covers on, too.
Being a dad to twin princesses is hard, filled with pink, and pretty clothes. Oh yeah, and exhausting.
my three loves |
who the heck knows what crazy Sydney is doing with her hand. |
love this sweet thing curled up in my lap |
Our girls are either really awesome or really weird. Or both. They like to put things over their heads and play. They'll rip it off and play peek-a-boo. It's hilarious. And weird, especially when you walk into the room and it looks like this..
We survived! Here we are - two people who are madly in love, and not always in-like. We've survived six months with our beautiful girls. We're a good team. Daniel is an incredible dad, and he makes me a better mom. Together, we've kept two humans alive for half a year, so here we are - still smiling :)
watching the Today Show |
we took the girls to the doctor for their six month check up. I mean seriously - do they get any cute, or any happier? |
perfect representation - so happy, and Sydney is crazy! |
The six-month shots kicked us in the butt. We spent all of Saturday with two verrrry sleepy babies. I can't complain, because that meant extra snuggles, Starbucks, and sleep. But it was perfect, because it rained all day and we happily complied with what our girls needed :)
And after a good talk with their pediatrician, we decided to start baby food! How's it going? Well..
first bite. Open up Sydney |
no seriously, open up. |
Eww. Stop. |
Ella didn't do any better than Sydney. |
can you babies just open your damn mouths? this is hard work. |
Happy girls - loved sitting in their seats playing with spoons vs. eating off of them |
A synonym for twin parent is referee. Seriously. The girls are six months old and we are constantly saying "be careful" "that's her face" "quit punching her".. etc.
Ella has rolled on top of Sydney and Sydney is playing with Ella's pacifier. |
I walked into the room to this cute little baby-train. And soon after I snapped this picture, Sydney started kicking Ella in the face. |
I'm telling you, referee.
It rained for like 10 days straight. So finally, it stopped. Hallelujah! Even though it was a tad bit chilly, we bundled up the girls and got some fresh air. Look at those cute hats!
Sleepy Ella bear (and yes, her hat has bear-ears) |
Happy Sydney! |
In addition to traditional puréed baby foods, we are also giving the twins regular people food. Because ain't nobody got time to sit down and feed them. Do it yourself, babies.
Ella is making out with her piece of toast |
haha, just hilarious. |
we'll always be sisters, pinky promise |
stop, just stop. |
October was a super busy month. We had so many things planned and places to be, and whaddya know - everyone got sick. Sydney started with pink eye and they both had terrible colds. The day Sydney had pink eye, Daniel took her home and they hung out together. When I brought Ella home that evening, they had a glorious reunion. Ella was all up in Sydney's face, talking and cooing, and telling her all about how much she missed her. My heart melted at their beautiful reunion.
Kim and Jeff came over and watched the girls so Daniel and I could celebrate The Martin Agency's 50th anniversary! We had a really, really fun night.
beautiful night for a party on the patio |
So sometimes my "full lap" goes haywire. Ella loves to hold onto things while she's sleeping. Preferably, it's a blanket, my hand, or her "night night" thing. The below exhibit shows that she wanted Sydney's face, and well, Sydney didn't appreciate it.
but then they both calmed down and fell asleep peacefully |
and Ella still got the last laugh, haha |
Those pictures were on Friday afternoon, the same day as Annabeth and Jarrett's rehearsal dinner. Yep, that's right, we had sick babies (and a sick momma) during their wedding weekend. I'll post separately about their fun and gorgeous wedding, but in the meantime, I'll bring you more sick-baby pictures..
The Sunday after the wedding, Ella had really gotten worse. She was coughing terrible, so snotty, and wasn't eating. What - wait, buckle up - Ella wasn't eating? You know that's when we knew she was sick. We headed for our very first (of many I'm sure) trip to KidMed. They open at noon on Sunday (which is crazy late when you have a sick baby), so we waited around at Starbucks, fed the girls, and caffeinated before they opened.
Despite being so sick, Ella can't help but laugh at Daddy |
happy girl, so lucky to have Daniel as her daddy |
I didn't feel great either, and just wanted to lay down... |
After finding out she just has a bad cold (Sydney, too - we only pay 1 copay for the baby who is worse #cheap), and getting her nose sucked out, we headed home to rest. We vegged out on the couch watching football and snoozing. Look at these sweet, sweet faces. Get better soon, babies!
Sydney & Momma |
Ella and Daddy |
We emerged off the couch & recliner for some play time and smiles!
girls, I hope you always think your daddy is the funniest thing in the whole world. |
pretty Sydney! |
....and passed out. |
Fortunately, Columbus discovered America and we were able to celebrate the holiday at home, still recuperating!
love my cute view from above |
It was such a nice day out, that we all got some fresh air while Daniel worked hard in the garage on adding storage to our attic
two cute tooshes and four adorable legs in the air |
Sydney always has to have something over her head |
And alas, the chores never end, despite illness and laziness. Sydney helped me fold my laundry. What a cute helper!
Our dear friend Andrea came into town for a visit, which meant that Daniel brought the twins to my work for a little lunchtime soiree. And of course, they had to look cute in their adorable Halloween outfits. I didn't want a traditional "my first Halloween" shirt. I saw this idea on Pinterest and LOVED it for two reasons - 1) Itsy Bitsy implies little and therefore first Halloween and 2) the girls absolutely love the Itsy Bitsy Spider. When I start singing it, they stop what they're doing and grin!
happy itsy bitsies |
Ella and Andrea |
We had a cool evening, but we needed some fresh air. So I bundled up the girls, and we watched Daniel grill dinner. Ella was kind of fussy, but Sydney was beyond adorable.
Sydney decided she wants to blow bubbles/spit/make a weird noise with her tongue. So she did it. Over and over and over. At first it was cute, but now it's kind of annoying. I hear it over the monitor, she does it with carrots in her mouth which end up all over me, she spits in Ella's face... you get it. But here she is, just looking so precious.
blowing bubbles |
pretty girl! |
I dressed the girls in their first cardigans AND jeans. And of course - had to document it. Baby jeans and itty bitty cardigans are just to die for. I love how Sydney is looking at Ella and has her hand so delicately placed on her thigh.
Where's waldo? There's two of them - right there on my favorite recliner. Just perfect.
I haven't updated in a while, and if I don't shut this blog post down, I'll never get caught up. So I'm going to hit publish, but don't worry, I'll keep on updating because we've been so busy!
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