It's so hard to believe we've already made it 15 weeks! We didn't start taking weekly bump pictures until we went to our first appointment. When we found out we were having twins, we knew it would be crazy to watch how my belly would grow exponentially week after week. Here's how it's expanded thus far:
7+ weeks - right after our first appointment when we found out we were having TWINS! |
9 weeks |
10 weeks... whoa, those 2700 calories are catching up! |
11 weeks |
12 weeks |
13 weeks |
14 weeks |
15 weeks |
I'm sure you're asking "Kim, why has it taken you so long to start posting pictures?" Well, ladies and gentlemen, I'm just lazy. No, really. Growing two tiny humans (and those beautiful round heads) has made me tired and lacking energy to do much... even updating my three faithful readers.
So how's it been going the first 15 weeks? Honestly, not bad. I've had my fair share of "morning sickness", and instead of calling it that, a better description is feeling really hungover most days. My stomach just hurts.. I'm not nauseous, it's just a bad stomachache that makes me want Coke and french fries. I have an awful gag reflex... brushing my teeth most days is a challenge. I hope this doesn't mean my kids will hate to brush their teeth. And lastly, I've had pretty bad headaches. They aren't the worst in the world, but when I can only take Tylenol, it's like fighting fire with a watering can.
So those are my complaints... and I shouldn't call them complaints, because I would rather feel sick and tired and growing two healthy babies than not. When I'm "over it", Daniel reminds me to think about them swimming around and growing, and that really helps.
Since we've told everyone that a) we're pregnant and b) we're having twins, we've come up with a list of FAQs.
- What's the most common response you've gotten?
- "Oh Shit!"
- 95% of people who say that to us say it meaning "that's awesome" in the best possible way
- the other 5% of people who say that to us say it meaning... better you than me. And guess what? They're right, we are so excited, and it IS better them than us!
- Were you taking fertility medicine?
- Nope. This is what they call "spontaneous" twins.
- Do twins run in your family?
- Nope, but as one of our doctors told us, they do now!
- Do twins run in Daniel's family?
- Nope, but even if they did... they only run on the female side (interesting fact, huh?)
- Where will you PUT two babies on your small frame?? You're going to be HUGE!
- Good question... we'll find out, won't we? :)
- Are you excited??
- Ummm, absolutely. Am I also terrified? Absolutely. Will this be a ton of work? More than we're prepared for. But this will be, hands down, the best ride of our lives, and I can't wait.
- Will you find out their genders?
- ABSOLUTELY. I'm not one of those crazy people with will-power of steel who will wait until delivery. I'm a planner. And I need to know. Now. As a matter of fact, we will find out FRIDAY what they are, with a fun gender reveal on Sunday! Can.not.wait.
- What do you want to have? What do you THINK you're having?
- I'm going to be 1000000% honest here: Daniel and I want two healthy babies. We will forego simple things like 20 fingers and 20 toes, we want big huge heads and beating hearts and organs. If we have two boys, two girls, or one of each, we will be thrilled so long as they are healthy.
- If we had to PICK, we would probably say boy/girl... just because having one of each would be pretty cool, but again... healthy. We want a healthy pregnancy and a healthy delivery and then we'll focus on raising amazing kids who will be awesome adults - boys or girls.
- My only "gut feeling" is that we aren't having two boys. Maybe that's just my inner Grandma Stella wishing and hoping for at least one girl ;)
- Have you had any cravings??
- I wouldn't say that I've had any food that I've gotta-eat-right-this-second-or-else-I'll-die. I drink a lot of milk, and it generally always sounds good to me. I also eat a lot of Jersey Mike's Subs. Turkey and cheese with lettuce, mayo, and lots of pickles. If I don't know what I want to eat, that always sounds good to me. We eat dinner there a few times a week. I'm not ashamed.
- Oh, and if I wake up in the middle of the night, I'm starving and generally eat a considerable amount of food. My go-to is a bowl of cereal since that's easy.
If I think of anything else to add, I'll update this FAQ :)
In other news, I've gained 14 pounds (almost at my 1 pound/week goal). Daniel has worked on getting some projects done around the house so we can soon focus on the playroom and nursery. We've started to do some research on car seats and strollers and cribs... but then take a break because it's really overwhelming. In just the past few days, I can no longer sleep on my stomach. I'm anxiously awaiting the first time I feel them move... hopefully I won't have to wait much longer. More importantly, I can't wait for Daniel to feel them move. He deserves that.
Just 5 more sleeps until we see our beautiful babies again! I hope this week flies by.
I think that's all for now folks... I can't wait to update soon with all the fun happenings of the #doublesinks
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