In our sweet 16th week, we were finally able to find out what these cute twins are! I've mentioned before that we are commonly asked "What do you want to have? What do you think you're having?" We've said it over and over, we want two healthy babies. We would be happy with two boys, two girls, or one of each, and we want them to be healthy. My only gut feeling has been that we aren't having two boys. Deep down, if I had to guess... I would have guessed two girls. Well the time came to finally find out what our future looked like.
First things first: the anatomy scan. All was looking good! Their tiny parts were there and functioning properly. Baby A - a little girl! Baby B - another little girl! We were overjoyed. The doctor came in and told us the only
potential issue: their femur bone measurement in ratio to their head measurement was a little bit off. It's a soft marker for down syndrome. Cue nerves and lots of discussions. The good news? That's the only soft marker. Their necks, hearts, and nasal bones looked great. The conclusion? We are probably going to have petite little ladies. We felt much better at the end of the appointment, and are certain they have inherited my short genes.
look at those beautiful profiles! Baby B is on the top and Baby A is on the bottom |
Confirmation that they have lady parts (A is on the top, B is on the bottom) |
and how could I forget those beautiful round heads?? |
We had to hold in the good news for a few short days until we had a big huge gender reveal celebration! Gender Reveals are so trendy right now, but I don't really care - any good reason to celebrate these two miracles and I'm all over it. We had a Sunday afternoon shindig - complete with chili, football, beer, and all sorts of tailgate food. We were surrounded by so many friends and family who love our twins - regardless of their genders. For those who were unable to join us in person, we were able to live-stream the reveal, which (I think) worked out nicely. We had an awesome afternoon catching up, indulging in good food, and celebrating our girls!
Ties or tutus?? So in love with the invitation |
We worked for HOURS to make 80 confetti poppers. What an awesome problem to have - making so many because we have lots of friends and family to celebrate PLUS double the amount because there are two babies! |
Two ties, two tutus, or one of each? |
The finished product :) |
And it's two ladies! Lots of tutus, tea parties, and pink in our future <3 |
Baby A is going to be named Ella Grace. Ella is after Daniel's grandma, Stella, who we adore. Daniel picked out Grace :) Baby B is still unnamed. We know her middle name will be Ann, since that is mine and my mom's middle name. Our short list includes: Sydney, Madison, Madeline, and Olivia. We need to decide soon so I can order some monogrammed goodies!
I've been feeling about so-so lately. Every few days, I wake up and throw up.. which kind of stinks. Daniel is in the background reminding me of the awesome two reasons why I'm puking :) This week I'm getting over a sinus infection. My most recent symptom has been some nasty bloody noses - gross. All in all, I feel pretty good. If I'm too active my back hurts. I've stopped taking the stairs, which makes me feel lazy, but taking the stairs makes me too tired.
In much more important news - I couldn't sleep last Friday night and around 4:30 am, I felt Baby A move for the first time! I felt her punch my hand, and after I pushed harder I felt her move around a little. So awesome, and made my insomnia totally worth it. Since then, I've felt them moving just a little tiny bit. I have two anterior placentas, which only means I won't feel them until later than most. I can't wait until I can feel them all the time, but I"m not looking forward to their limbs hanging out in places that they shouldn't be, such as my ribs or bladder :)
We started our registry on Saturday at Babies R Us. We indulged in some Starbucks and began with the big ticket items - strollers, car seats, cribs, etc. We passed by some clearance items near the cribs and I found a bedding set I had loved and pinned! We were able to find a second set plus get the multiples discount - cha ching.
here's a sneek peak! |
We've decided to paint the walls aqua and accent everything in pink. I can't wait to see how it turns out!
We have an appointment today, where we will hopefully hear their two sweet hearts beating. We are so very lucky, and are trying to treasure every second. Time is flying by so fast - Tuesday is our half-way mark. So hard to believe.
Sweet 16 |
17 weeks |
18 weeks.. I've kind of hit a plateau, that I'm totally fine with |
Until next time, xoxo
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