Friday, April 25, 2014

Made From Love

Who doesn't love Pinterest?  I mean really, it's like every magazine you would ever want to read... all wrapped up into one place!  And instead of tearing out pages and keeping them, you can organize all of the good stuff into one place. 

Anyway... I had an idea that was birthed from something I saw on Pinterest.  A man had gotten a tattoo of his baby's heartbeat.  His baby had died of SIDS... so sad.  Now, I'm not one to get a tattoo, but I loved the idea of having that precious heartbeat as a keepsake.  So I had an idea to frame Baby Sink's heartbeat and give it to Daniel as a gift.  Read: secret mission.  I called the doctor, spoke to the sweetest nurse, who was able to track down our baby's heartbeat!  I was so excited, and told her I would pick it up at my scheduled appointment the following week.  The morning of the appointment, I couldn't wait to see what they had... and much to my dismay, they didn't have it.  In fact, the nurse told me they only save ultrasound information for 24 hours.  Queue tears & disappointment...  My doctor is amazing and said they would look into it, and that afternoon, they were able to track everything down!  She sent it to me via snail mail, and when it arrived, it was perfect.  Now remember.. this is a surprise to Daniel, so this roller coaster was done under wraps, and he probably thought I was just a nut job.  I found someone on etsy who does prints of heartbeats, and she so graciously and patiently worked with me to give Daniel the most perfect gift:

With a few beats of your heart, you changed our lives forever
Daniel loved it.  Really, really loved it.  To us, it is a reminder of the happiness this precious baby had given us.  At seven weeks we saw the heartbeat, and we were amazed.  At 12 weeks we heard the heartbeat, and we were on cloud 9.  We created a life with a beautiful beating heart.  We will treasure this forever - and will keep it in our room as a reminder that together we made a perfect human being that never felt pain, anger, or heartache and only experienced love.

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