** disclaimer, I've been trying to update on our fun Springtime all damn summer!
Spring is finally here, and we love being able to go outside and get rid of some energy. It seems like it's also gotten easier to take them outside - they can manage the playset on their own, don't run straight to the street, and actually PLAY. What fun our sweet girls are!!
i had a good sidekick who didn't roll his eyes too much and helped do party prep for the girls third bday party! |
i know they are tacky, but we love these flower pinwheels... perfect for Ella and Sydney's "garden" |
"ta-da!" |
stopping to smell the flowers on a walk... I've always admired this garden full of phlox! |
just look at those two sweet smiles |
painting finger nails... i've learned if i paint their nails, they will sit still for a while... #momwin |
We watched our best dog pal, Daisy. The girls love her to pieces, and looooved having her slide with them.
The Martin Agency recently took a public stand for equal pay for women. They made shirts for all females in the office plus their daughters! They asked everyone to take pictures of their sweet, strong ladies in the shirts.
and we made the video at the top of the article! look at those cute girls! |
life with twin toddlers |
all the grandkids helping Papa blow out his candles! |
these are their favorite princess dresses right now, and they wear them every single day... twirling and using their imaginations |
I made everyone a "sprinkle your own cupcake" plate. We frosted and sprinkled cupcakes after their party - what a hit! They loved to "frinkle, frinkle, frinkle"
Getting ready to head to Lowes to pick out flowers for our garden! |
they brought their own birthday money and purses |
Syd and her "purple f-ower" |
fun adventure! |
they don't normally get to hang out outside the cart... but we try... so here's the circus "holding onto the cart" |
admiring our garden purchases |
kisses |
Had a fun afternoon celebrating our friend Cole turning 1! |
came into the playroom one Sunday morning when I heard so many giggles I knew they were up to no good... |
planting the flowers they bought |
we love Sydney's little tongue that sticks out when she's concentrating |
We have tried recently to separate the girls and spend individual time with them. I took Sydney to the grocery store with me. She got to pick out something for Ella, and found this huge purple ball and some pink ice cream
later in the week, Ella went with Daddy to grab pizza for dinner. |
and I played Tinkerbell with Sydney and had a tiny tea party |
working on thank-you-cards for our birthday gifts |
I love singing "you are my sunshine" to the girls at night. Sometimes they sing along with
me at bedtime (I can't get over their little voices). I asked Robin if she would use her amazing skills for some shirts for the girls.... how perfect are they!
you are my sunshine |
my only sunshine |
i thought that moving their cribs would prevent things like this.... clearly, i'm wrong |
going to visit the "mad face" |
walked in the room to this scene: real life |
Darth Vader - Ella |
Darth Vader - Sydney |
Ella was laying ON TOP of Daniel, ha! |
the Couringtons gave the girls one of Abby's old stuffed animals... this huge horse that Ella named "Bella". i rounded the corner to these two, dressed up, and Sydney was "riding" Bella while Ella pulled her around. |
"frinkle frinkle frinkle" the cheese for quesadillas |
peek-a-boo |
these two are the best of friends... and don't even mind sitting ON TOP of each other |
I woke the girls up for school one day and Ella was on FIRE. Her temp was 103... so sick day at home with Daddy for this pathetic girl. |
I couldn't tell if Sydney was sick, too, or just being 3. |
sweet sick girl taking care of her horse "Baby Bella" |
I couldn't resist going in and snapping a pic of Ella napping on her sick day... because when you're sick, you get to snooze with Bella |
typical scene at our house these days |
Ella's fever just wouldn't go away... so a Saturday morning trip to Kid Med it was! I'm thankful I followed my gut, because Ella had pneumonia. Let the record state, Daniel said "you were right about taking her in!" |
PB&J besties in dresses made by Aunt Kelly |
while Ella was sick, we had some long nights |
sweet girl needed to have her hand held or back patted... although we were TIRED, we would do anything to make them feel better |
enjoying fresh air! |
Umm... yeah...
Ella & Sydney use teamwork to ESCAPE.
We shut that shit down real fast.
When you're three, you get to go to the dentist for the first time! They did... okay. They didn't love opening up their mouths, but did a little bit. The hygienist promised they did better than we thought they did.
Ella's first |
Sydney getting a peek over Ella |
Syd's turn |
Sweet sisters... Ella is hanging out on Daddy's knee watching over Sydney |
Daycare needed a "mommy and me" picture... and we take an awful lot of "together" pictures, and way too few single pictures. (**note to self - try harder to just get one girl snaps!). So here we go:
Momma and Sydney |
Ella was being silly |
Momma and Ella |
trying to get a May the Fourth picture... |
Pretty Fly for a Jedi |
Since it was going to be a gorgeous spring day, we decided to hang out at Yorktown Beach for the day.
potty trained toddlers... |
my favorite view |
a giant sandbox is so fun for little ones |
racing away from the water |
covering up Daddy's feet |
A while ago, we decided it was time for family room furniture upgrades. We bought a fancy new couch. First things first... clear out the old, and clean the carpets!
they LOVED the open space |
Sydney helped Ella with her forward rolls |
Daddy on cake-duty at Caroline's birthday party |
we did pedicures and watched a movie! :)
mom-win... I convinced them not to move their hands or feet for a good 30 minutes |
took the girls to the grocery store solo... not only were they adorable, but they held hands and helped carry bags to the car |
Ya'll know I can't pay the school photography... so I bootleg my own pictures. Some of these were surprisingly good
with their Mother's Day gifts for me... remember those pictures we took? they turned them into precious little flowers! |
the loofah that came undone turned into lots of giggles in the tub |
On May 11, 2004, Daniel kissed me for the first time after a few weeks of "talking" (and flirting).
On May 11, 2018, we anxiously awaited the arrival of our brand new couch and recliner.
sigh. I love our porch, and this sunday morning view. |
Mother's Day 2018: perfect.
I present you with Mother's Day getting toddlers dressed. Real life, people. |
Daniel, of course, made sure I could enjoy being the mama without doing any of the work.
Mother's Day gift: plums (or something??) from the tree in our backyard. She picked it up from the ground herself. |
we cut Iris's from the yard to take to Kim |
Dawn dish soap in the water table + wash cloths = car wash |
Ella... hahah |
Momma got a pedicure |
Sydney tripped and skinned her knee on our walk... Ella was worried about her sissy |
real life - carrying one, crossing the street and holding hands with the other |
welcome to my mornings |
cuties |
they couldn't get close enough |
they were holding onto each other saying "we're sisters!!!" |
sweet lady bugs |
Prince Harry married Meghan Markle in a Royal Wedding Extravaganza. A few years ago, a dear coworker friend of mine, Kay, bought the girls these shirts from a store (Rachel Riley) in London. She told me that Princess Kate would occasionally buy some of Rachel Riley's clothes. Watching the royal wedding was a perfect opportunity to wear our fancy shirts! We couldn't resist tutus and crowns, either.
they had "tea" and we also made muffins for breakfast |
We got A TON of rain, and were getting a little stir crazy... so we put on rain boots, opened up umbrellas, and went outside to jump in puddles.
The rain cleared up for a fun night at the Flying Squirrels game. When we got to the stadium and to our seats, Ella said "It's Hockey!!"
Clearly we've been in playoff season...
sweet American girls |
Ella and that sweet dimple |
Sydney's intensity never ceases to make us smile |
The girls really had a great time, and we enjoyed it! :)
Welcome to the age of three - cute and a hot mess all wrapped up into one |
I recently got a promotion at work and am now in our HR department :)
Not only am I thrilled, but I'm really proud of myself. This is a big step for us, and possibilities seem endless right now!
celebrating with a nice dinner out! |
spring strawberry girls |
someone wasn't listening, so they got sent to timeout right there on Grandma's front steps |
And that pretty much wraps up our Spring! Excited for a fun summer of swimming and exploring new things with our little ladies.
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