We got home from the beach and have been enjoying the last bit of summer, but are welcoming the cooler temps!
Sunday post-beach trip: soaking up the sun in the backyard with the Trevillian/Overstreet gang. Baby pools, a water table, and a slide made our afternoon complete.
Go, Ella, go! |
Happy Sydney, post-slide |
Daniel has been planning a kayaking trip with his boyfriends for a while now. Since I never gave him a 30th birthday gift, we splurged and he got his very own kayak! Side note: he didn't love it. Oops.
Look at that happy guy! He deserves it. |
One morning Daniel offered to take the girls to daycare. I had already woken up early and got myself ready... so I took full advantage (I normally don't do that.. but have tried really hard lately), and enjoyed some tea and my book on the porch. The weather was just perfect.
Ella and Sydney were thrilled with our newest addition.
Haha, Sydney is enjoying the new ride! |
Very late in the game, Sydney caught the virus Ella had on vacation. Though, it wasn't nearly as bad as Ella. So Sydney got to hang out with Nana for a few days. Love these pictures of her trying to ride on the truck. She's small, but she's not THAT small.
just keep trying.. trying.. trying |
The footage behind getting a good picture..
What a cute picture! Two girls laughing at Dada, they're about to get attacked... |
And there she goes |
#2 down |
by now you know me... love my filled-up lap! |
Daddy headed out for his weekend of kayaking, cigars, and campfires. It was just me and the ladies. Also known as: just survive.
I was brave and when I picked them up from daycare, we attended their little luau. First stop: sno cones!
Then the pictures ceased because.. two babies and one mama at a party.
cute little ruffled behinds walking to our car |
While at this lovely luau - and I was clearly all by myself - a mom asked me "is having twins hard???". How does one respond to such an obvious thing? Is the Earth round? Is the sky blue? By all means... YES! raising twins is the hardest thing in the whole wide world. Multiples are not for the faint of heart.
Later that night, after I had taken both girls grocery shopping, and was fixing dinner, Sydney puked all over the kitchen floor (in her defense... it was because I had her upside down and was tickling her). While I had her on the counter cleaning her up, I hear a loud thud, and Ella has now fallen flat on her face in said puke. That night, bed time couldn't come soon enough. Daniel couldn't come home quick enough. I was over it.
So to Stephen's mom at daycare, having twins is hard. Very, very hard. To be honest, there isn't much about having twins that's easy... but damn, it's worth it.
rainbow cookies at the grocery store! |
Thankfully, I didn't have to spend the next day alone - Robin & Harrison came for a visit! A much, much, much overdue visit. We had so much fun, and it filled up my lonely-BFF-soul.
look at those three cuties! |
real life candid: babies sitting on babies |
While the girls napped and Robin went to get lunch, I got some quality time with my main buddy, Harrison.
wagon ride for one cute boy! |
look at him, made out of sugar <3 |
my heart has been filled |
three beautiful smiles :) :) :) |
Sadly, they had to leave us... but only about 24 hours until Dada comes home.
when you're surviving, your kids get to play with straws |
haha.. this girl |
Minions, full lap, babies with goldfish = thumbs up |
you can't see it, but my heart has melted all over the floor |
Daniel has been working really hard at his dad's house to clean it out and get it ready to sell. He brought home this gem: an article in the paper with him crushing it in tennis from the year we started dating. THAT, my friends, is what I fell in love with.
We planned a date with our favorite framily - the Eckerts. Oh, how we love them, and their little lovely, Evelyn.
Ella decided it was a great idea to eat Daddy's shoe... wtf? |
full table |
Minions and an obscenely large teddy bear round out a good play date |
It's almost fall and you know what that means... the start of Hokie football! We had to stop by Walmart on the way to my parents for the essentials: food + beer. We were on a tight schedule, so Daniel took one baby and I took the other. It was a fun change of pace
Hokie cousins |
adorable picture of Abby + Seth |
Since the weather is getting cooler, we've started living on the back porch again. I don't know if I've said it enough, but the porch was our best investment yet.
Ella and that little Buddha belly.. just relaxing |
oh, hey crazy Sydney! |
love the four of us |
"ta-da!" |
a game they both love... This little piggy went to the market... |
We spent a lot of the long Labor Day weekend organizing since we've received so many items from Daniel's dad's house. It's never-ending... clean up one thing to make room for more. Soon enough we'll be all settled and organized! In the midst of our cleaning up, we took a trip to Home Depot and Target.
Ella's standing up in the cart like a total BA |
Stormtrooper Syd! |
she loves Stormtrooper Daddy |
finally getting use out of my oak barrel, and I love the results |
twinning |
pure joy |
After the girls were snuggled into bed, we camped out on the porch to watch Stranger Things
these two love popsicles |
Daniel was in charge of the girls... please notice he's not awake, haha. |
You know it's been a bomb-ass day when their clothes require stain remover, and they desperately need a bath!
enjoying a delicious meal at the Couringtons |
I've been having the girls practice holding hands (now that they're walking at a similar speed). Not only is it stinkin' adorable, but I want them to get used to holding someone's hand in a parking lot/store/etc.
Here are our two cuties.. holding hands and walking into school on the first day of their brand new classroom!
Favorite activity: watering flowers. I've gotten brave enough to bring them both out with me to help water flowers. They mainly walk around carrying sticks, and then carry the empty watering can back to the hose for a refill. So far, Sydney has wandered into the street only once. I'm thankful we live in a cul-de-sac!
Teamwork makes the dream work |
And when you're a twin, you're a total bad ass at sharing. Case in point: feeding each other dinner.
meal time new addition: forks! |
Another favorite activity: reading books. They'll bring a book in from the playroom, sit in your lap, "read", and go back for more. It's so sweet!
And sometimes they both sit down in their bean bag to "read" |
Instead of taking the girls out to dinner, we switched things up and went out for breakfast. Such a good decision - they are fresh and not so cranky. Breakfast spot: Panera. And before breakfast, we take a cute picture outside because momma is a freak. Look at those football outfits!
Nana came over for a quick visit |
HUGE football game: the Battle at Bristol. VT vs. TN. We lost, womp womp.
game faces |
someone came over to hang out and watch football! |
look at this cute tiny thing who can fit into a pot! |
This photo is called "Ella, give Sydney a kiss!" |
stop, just stop <3 <3 |
We have great sleepers. I mean really... we can't ask for much more. They go down awesome, normally always sleep through the night, and will occasionally "sleep in" on the weekends. Even naps are great. Every now and then they get a wild hair and lose their shit. See below example. Of course when it happens, you're solo. Daniel ran out to get us dinner and came home to this. So what do you do? Just snuggle on them and hope they get sleepy REAL SOON! And don't forget... it won't last forever, but it certainly feels like it some days!
I took it upon myself to take the day off and have a total mom day shopping. I went to Williamsburg, ate a delicious breakfast, and bought things FOR ME. It was sooooo very needed, and need to remember to do that occasionally! So good to recharge.
mama's very quiet, very delicious breakfast. |
And after a day of shopping and doing whatever I wanted, I came home to these adorable, happy, amazing little monsters. What more could a mom ask for?
Ella & Daddy |
Look at that cute little toosh cleaning up after getting squeaky clean |
Momma and Sydney |
It's fall. Babies, jean jackets, and Chesterfest.
Speaking of recharging... Daniel and I did just that! The girls went to Grandma Georgia's FOR THE NIGHT. We got pizza, unsuccessfully looked at reupholstery fabric, and enjoyed being husband and wife (not mom and dad) at the Pascale Nuptuals! We stayed out too late with friends and slept in. It was glorious.
flight of cider |
<3 <3 |
the beautiful and fun couple! we just love these two, and couldn't be happier for them |
S |
E |
Then it happened. The start of yucky season. We picked the girls up and Sydney had a fever. She laid her head on my chest and fell fast asleep. Noooooo! Get away nasty germs, ain't nobody got time for that.
We laid sweet, sick Syd on the couch in front of Minions and her side-kick didn't leave her side. It was just the sweetest and saddest ever! These two... the bond they share, and having a built-in BFF is the greatest thing.
Ella giving Sydney a kiss |
<3 |
And I'll tell you what... Sydney was pathetic FOR DAYS! It never seemed to end. And you know, one evening trip to KidMed confirmed the worst: a virus. Code for: suffer. And of course, we had a trip to Blacksburg that week. Impeccable timing, germs. Thanks a lot.
:( |
But alas, Nana to the rescue! We are so thankful our "back-up" is such an awesome grandma. She texted me pictures of Sydney doing laundry (so happy she doesn't let her get TOO comfortable ;) ), and all-around getting loved on.
who is that sweet girl in the mirror? |
Syd, Momma, and Minions at KidMed |
Daniel took off a day to spend with Sydney to give my mom a break. He also had a hair cut scheduled... so guess who got to tag along!
Ella laying on the floor, Sydney laying on Daddy's back |
All week, we were getting reports from daycare that Ella was fussy... suspecting she was getting whatever virus Sydney had. My mom and Daniel both said that Sydney walked around saying "Ella.... Ella.... Ella". Ella never did get sick, and I think they just couldn't handle being a part. We decided to keep them together one last day before our Blacksburg trip!
#1 They love to climb from basket to chair to floor, repeat. #2 My mom witnessed a legit fight where Sydney bit the crap out of Ella and Ella hit Sydney with all her might. She was traumatized. hahahah, welcome to our world!
#3 They are both feeling completely fine, clearly |
Ella just needed some extra lovin'! |
Sink fam of four... recuperating and getting ready for our big trip out west for football and Uncle Mop! |
Stay tuned for the real start of fall some fun mountain trips!
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