Friday, October 14, 2016

A year and a half

So, much to my dismay, time hasn't slowed down any.  Like at all.  And if anything, it's sped up.  So, world, throw me a bone and chill a bit.

The girls are officially a year and a half years young.  And I'm telling you... this is fun.  I love, love, love this age.  I love that they both walk - and to me, it's way easier.  Picking them both up, setting them down, being outside... all-around I just prefer them both walking.  They laugh and interact  They are like trick ponies... and have so many new stunts.

Animal noises:
cow, dog, cat, monkey, dinosaur, lion, snake, sheep

Mama, Dada, Nana, Papa, Abby, Jacob, Ella, Sydney, hair bow (booooow), purple, outside, inside, uh-oh, bye bye, yah! (they always respond affirmatively... want to get a bath? yah! want to go slide? yah!), go, bath (ba), water (wa-wa)

Body parts:
They can point to... nose, head/hair, mouth, eyes, belly button

They also give the best kisses!  "Mmmm-ah!!". 

Their favorite things:
-MINIONS.  Holy hell, they love those little yellow guys.  You have no idea.. "mi-mi" means Minions.  They love Bob, Kevin, and Stuart.  If they're being too fussy or we need to get a few things done, the Minions come to the rescue.  And to document this obsession... coming soon: Halloween 2016
-Dancing.  When daddy cuts on the record player or a good tune, Sydney especially, will just get down.  They shake their cute little bodies back and forth, and let the music take them away.
-Sticks.  A little bit obsessed.  Ella really is the instigator, but they walk outside and have stick-radar.  They pick them up and carry them around like they're little friends.  We have a collection of sticks next to the door where we make them say "bye-bye" and throw the stick down when it's time to go in.  Not to be missed... those "bye-bye stick" moments often come with some tantrums.
-Books.  They will grab a book, sit in your lap, and "read"... repeat!
-Swinging, sliding, and just being outside.  We take walks, find sticks, water flowers, and visit Daisy.
-Eating pouches, chocolate milk, and goldfish crackers
-Sydney religiously takes off her right shoe in the car every.single.time
-Favorite person: da-da.  All day long.  He can comfort them, make them laugh, and style a mean pony tail

So here are our stats from our well-check:

Ella Grace
20 lbs 3 oz
31" tall

Sydney Ann
17 lbs 3 oz
30.75" tall

coloring on the table at our check-up

And just for giggles... here's Sydney's growth chart.  Both girls are in this special place on the chart called "less than 3 %".  You'd think Ella was "big" compared to Sydney.  Well the thing is, Ella is small, and Sydney is just a freak of nature.  Ella is hovering right on the "curve" and Sydney has just created her own!  But I love, love, love having little ladies.  I think they are so cute, we get more use out of their clothes, and they are the perfect snuggling size!  I'm not a very big person myself, so my lap could only handle so much! :)
Sydney's weight: <3%, height is 22%
Ella's weight: <3%, height is 27%

After you've had shots and a check-up, the best thing is to go grocery shopping, get balloons, and eat pouches
Oh yeah... and if you're wondering WHY Sydney is so small.. it's not for malnutrition.  This girl can EAT.  And she's so cute doing it... shoving, with MUCH FORCE and enthusiasm, food into her mouth.  That night at dinner, I caught her stealing Ella's mashed potatoes off her plate, hahahah.
"Oh, I'd like a second helping... off your plate, Ella" -Syd

And she has a HUGE mouth

"Ella, where's your belly button??"

Sydney was walking UP the slide when Ella was sliding DOWN the slide... and they both hugged and laughed and laughed

the two cutest girls in all the land <3 <3
And this morning, I documented the STICK OBSESSION!

 So here we are... 18 months old.  I'm going to blink and they'll be 18, just watch.

Oh, darlings, don't you ever grow up, just stay this little.

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