Because we love America, and we have cute American babies... we celebrate, with lots of red, white, and blue outfits. Then, we document. Obsessively. Sorry, I'm not Sorry, world.
So often people ask me how I get cute pictures of the girls. The secret sauce: Daddy acting crazy in the back, and 100 out takes. So I present to you: real life with the #doublesinks
Sydney trying to sit in Ella's lap, which resulted in her using Ella's head as support. |
And look what we have here - two little girls WALKING into daycare! Both of them. At the same time. For the first time. Gone are the days that I nearly drop one or both. It might take us approximately 3 hours to get from minivan to classroom, but yesss... thank you baby J!
And during said 3-hour trek to our classroom, I present to you this: Sydney giving Ella a high-five, or more realistically, Sydney attacking Ella.
oh hey girl, let me come cheer you on |
and high-five you right in the face |
and there she goes. |
Since I was able to get out of work a few hours early, we grabbed the littles and made the most of the afternoon. First a trip to Target, then to Lowe's
S&E helping "push" the cart - so cute |
And an early-bird special at Chili's! We celebrated America with adult sippy cups, baby sippy cups, and baby goldfish in cute monster containers. The girls had chocolate milk for the first time and it's their new beverage of choice.
they love sitting on pillows |
twins |
When Ella doesn't want to share Daddy's lap |
too much excitement leads to a morning cat-nap |
she just can't deal, and who can blame her? |
We had grand plans of enjoying time at the pool on our American weekend, but Mother Nature said nope. We invited our birthday "triplet", Harper, and her family over to play... so much fun
Sydney, Ella double-fisting, Harper, and big bro Noah |
sweet Harper, and mean-mugging from E&S |
What's more American than enjoying free toddler cones at Brewsters?!
<3 |
The girls' current obsession: baby-sized chairs.
Momma's current obsession: Ella & Sydney in baby-sized chairs.
I bet you can't guess where Daddy is... trying to put smiles on the their faces! |
And life isn't always cute smiling babies... I mean, so far from it. I snapped this picture of Daniel being an awesome dad. He was frustrated with Sydney for throwing her food on the floor (typical Syd move), so he sat her down and tried to explain to her how she needs to tell us when she wants more (what he's signing to her) or is all done (what she's signing to him). So much love, even when it gets frustrating.
My life of getting from point A to point B before Ella started walking: holding Ella and holding Sydney's hand.
And... time for another American milestone: babies' first pony tails!
Ella with a pony tail reading her book in her favorite spot, the basket of blankets |
Until Sydney, sporting her own pony, wants to be in Ella's favorite spot readinga book |
And because he's simply the best... Daddy had to practice and do his first ever pony tail!
You know Momma can't get enough... so we had a photo shoot with patriotic lobster pillows on the porch.
these two <3 |
typical scenario: removing hair bows |
Sweet Sydney giving Ella a hug! And Ella is so happy <3 |
And to round out our American weekend of firsts... babies' first sparklers! Of course we had to do it around 7pm when it was light out, because with two one year olds, we have an early bed time to maintain. They were pretty unimpressed, but hey... we did it!
look what Daddy has! |
meh... I see an open driveway straight to the street! |
And because we had such a fun weekend, the girls just HAD to party before the clock struck midnight. Yet, they waited until after momma and daddy fell asleep. How nice of them.
But really: let's get sappy here. Look at these happy girls, having so much fun with their pacifiers. We can't complain. Our girls are awesome. They are healthy. They laugh (and cry). They brighten up our days (and nights). So many people aren't as lucky, so we try not take it for granted. Even at midnight, we just laugh, join the crazy, and fuel up with coffee the next morning. We love them, we love America, we love each other.
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