Miss Ella decided she wanted to roll over, and did it! She's been doing this thing for a week or so now, where she tries to press her face onto the ground above her like she's trying to eat something above her head, and she'd rather be on her stomach. So last Thursday morning, I had gotten her changed and dressed, and laid her in her crib while I changed Sydney. She was doing that weird thing with her head, so I put her on her stomach. And just like that - she lifted her head up super high and rolled over, just like she'd been doing it her whole life. Then she got mad because she was on her back, haha. She's done it a handful of times now! We have yet to get it on video, but I'm sure we will soon, because it'll only continue from here! Now we have to be extra careful where we start putting them. She even tries to turn over when she's in her bouncy seat. Lawd, I'm not ready for this!
Happy Ella! So proud of this little lady :) |
And as for Miss Syd - she does something weird with her legs when she's on her back, and I'm convinced she might go back-to-front before she does front-to-back (which is pretty uncommon). It also makes it difficult to change her diaper. She really dislikes being on her tummy, and always face-plants instead of lifting her head up. Oh, the differences in our two!
Ella-head up way high, Sydney-face plant. |
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