Friday, May 15, 2015

One month

The first month flew by.  Here are our tiny, precious girls.  I didn't want to do the typical monthly onesies.  I love how the banner, tutus, and boxes turned out!  Can't wait to see how they grow.

Ella Grace Sink

Ella's beautiful little feet.  Ten perfect toes!

Sydney Ann Sink

Sydney's beautiful little feet.  Ten perfect toes

we are one month old!
At a month old, they sleep.  Every 3-3.5 hours they eat.  They are very slowly starting to stay awake more.  Ella is 7 pounds 7 ounces, Sydney is 6 pounds 8 ounces.

They each have their own fabulous personalities and differences.
-Sydney loves to be awake, Ella prefers to be asleep.
-Ella enjoys bath time, Sydney is traumatized.
-Sydney has pale porcelain skin and lighter hair (like her momma), Ella has darker skin and brown hair (like her daddy).
-Ella looks like her mom, Sydney looks like her dad.
-Sydney falls asleep taking a bottle, Ella drinks it like a champ.
-Ella very rarely spits up, Sydney is high maintenance and often spits up.
-Sydney has a very raspy, quiet cry, Ella has a loud, typical newborn cry.
-Ella loves to snuggle up in your neck - tossing her head back and forth until she gets a good spot, Sydney prefers to be snuggled up in your arms next to your body.

They are sisters, best friends, and loved by their parents more than life itself.  We try every day to tell them how much we love them, and want them to grow up feeling that love.  We want them to grow up being their own, individual person, but always sticking together.  Just like the FRIENDS theme song:

"No one could ever know me, no one could ever see me
Seems you're the only one who knows what it's like to be me
Someone to face the day with, make it through all the rest with
Someone I'll always laugh with
Even at my worst, I'm best with you

I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour
I'll be there for you, like I've been there before
I'll be there for you, 'cause you're there for me too

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