In my last post I told you all about how we landed on scheduling the girl's birthday for March 30th. It was the longest and shortest 37 weeks of our lives, but it was finally here! We woke up before the sun came up, nervously got ourselves ready, and left the house to become a Mom and Dad and finally meet our baby girls. On the way to the hospital, we listen to our "anthem" songs by American Authors. Like usual, I cried while "Love" played - excitement, nervousness, sadness for our last baby but happiness for two healthy ones, fear - everything all bundled up into one.
We arrived at the hospital and got checked into our room. Our awesome nurse, Angela, got me prepped and hooked up to the monitors.
"This is it, don't get scared now" |
last picture as a family of two! |
and of course my mom had to be back there to hold my hand for a few minutes |
We listened to our girls' precious heartbeats for the last time (on a monitor). At one point, Angela said "Are you feeling any contractions?" I told her I thought I was having some Braxton Hicks, likely out of extreme nervousness. She said, nope - you're in labor. My doctor came in and looked at the long paper and said "whoa! this girl is in labor - her contractions are every two minutes apart! let's go have these babies". That's right folks... we might have moved up the C-section/thought Baby A was growth restricted/chose March 30th, but in all reality, the girls chose their own birthday. They were coming on March 30th regardless!
Ella's heart rate was 143, Sydney's was 137, and I'm having a contraction |
Side note: I don't know if I've written about the Baby A/Baby B-naming Ella & Sydney dilemma Daniel and I faced. The short version is: I thought that Ella should have been Baby A (the baby on my left). Daniel thought Ella should have been the first baby delivered. We disagreed on it pretty much my entire pregnancy. That morning, we talked to the nurse and doctor about it, and our doctor told us she would likely be able to pull out our Baby A first. Problem solved!
Once I was pumped full of fluids and prepped, it was delivery time. I walked to the OR while Daniel had to stay behind and get himself suited up. And naturally, take a selfie:

I was pretty scared - walking into that room to get ready to have surgery and two babies. I wish Daniel could be there to hold my hand, but my amazing doctor and nurse were each there holding my hands as the anesthesiologist administered my spinal. Once I was all prepped and the curtain was up, Daniel arrived and sat next to me. A few minutes later, the doctor was talking to Ella and calling her Sweet Pea and telling her Happy Birthday. I heard a cry and Ella Grace had taken her first breath in this world! What felt like 5 minutes later (it was less than a minute), the doctor was talking to Sydney and calling her Sweet Pea and telling her Happy Birthday. I heard another cry and Sydney Ann had taken her first breath in this world! I remember being completely numb from my chest down, but when I heard them crying, a huge tingle of excitement went all over my body. We were elated. They confirmed the girls were both healthy, and I could hear them both crying together. I noticed that they both had VERY different cries - one was like a typical newborn (Ella) and the other was softer and more raspy (Sydney). So different all ready.
Ella Grace Sink
Born on March 30, 2015 at 9:57 am weighing 6 pounds 1 ounce measuring 18" long.
Sydney Ann SinkBorn on March 30, 2015 at 9:58 am weighing 5 pounds 7 ounces measuring 18" long.
And here are their first moments into this bright new world
brand spankin' new! (Ella - left/back, Sydney - right/front) |
first time with their momma (Ella - L, Sydney - R) |
So happy and so sleepy (Ella - L, Sydney - R) |
pre-bath and so typical... Sydney is wide eyed and Ella is snoozin' |
Then it was time for their first bath!
Ella wasn't bothered by her bath |
Sydney on the other hand was obviously unhappy to get clean |
One of our main questions my entire pregnancy was 'Are they fraternal or identical??' The odds were such that they would be fraternal. Our initial guess was identical, since we have been defying odds ever since Baby Sink #1. We finally have our answer - fraternal. They couldn't look (and act) any more different! No DNA test needed. I noticed Ella's dimple right away. Their noses and mouths are the biggest difference. Sydney's face is round where Ella's is more oval. Sydney looks a lot like her Daddy and Ella looks like a lot like her Momma. We can't wait to see how they grow and change!
My C-Section seemed to be textbook. The operating room was so busy and efficient. Everyone was teamed up, talking and counting to each other - it was a well-oiled machine. I was shocked they were only born a minute apart; it seemed like 5 minutes between Ella & Sydney. I was super bummed about one huge thing - I don't remember much from that day. I started throwing up soon after Sydney was born, and the medicine they gave me made me slightly groggy. I remember wanting to close my eyes and snooze a little bit before I was sewn up. When they handed the girls to me when we were being wheeled to our room, I told them it wasn't a good idea because I didn't want to drop one being so drowsy. I continued throwing up in the room, even while holding both girls skin-to-skin (so gross). So they gave me even stronger meds which pretty much knocked me out. I was in-and-out for the majority of the day. I vaguely remember their bath, the nurse feeding them, and the grandparents meeting them for the first time. I just couldn't keep my eyes open, and I'm bummed that every bit of that day was foggy instead of vivid. BUT - we have pictures and they were born healthy and we couldn't do much about me puking my guts out. It probably would have been a blur anyway.
Here are some pictures of Ella & Sydney's aunts, uncles, and grandparents meeting them for the first time!
Papa and Nana completely in love |
love this picture of my parents |
Grandpa Dan & Grandma Georgia soaking up newborn bliss |
Robin & Baby Brockwell with Ella and Sydney |
Aunt Annabeth & Ella |
Aunt Ashley & Ella |
Uncle J & Ella |
Uncle Matthew & his two nieces |
Abby meeting the girls for the first time |
Uncle Derek |
I'm extra bummed that Daniel didn't get any pictures with the girls. Zero. He was too busy taking pictures and being an awesome dad to have anyone take any, and I was too groggy to know which way was up. But he made sure to take plenty with momma and the twins. So here's some more cuteness to round out the post.
March 30th was one of the most magical and amazing days of our lives. Ella Grace & Sydney Ann, you have no idea how much your Mom and Dad love you. Our hearts are so happy that you are two healthy and beautiful little girls.
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