Friday, April 1, 2022

Bottle up their sweet voices and phrases I never want to correct

I had a running list of some cute things the girls said, and I never want to ever correct them because it's SO adorable.....

While the girls were playing hide and seek, Ella said "Sydney don’t hide good so we don’t lose you."

Sydney was helping me with laundry, putting my clothes from the washer to the dryer.  She pulled out a pair of my underwear and said "I like your panties... they have flowers on them! Oh, and they're big."

In Kindergarten, their classes had a color system for making good/not so good choices.  Ella got on orange two days in a row - one day for being too excited for John Anthony and the next for being too excited for Elodie. Sydney said "next time, just make an x in your brain so you'll remember later to be excited."

I also adore that they call taste buds "taste bugs".  Their heart doesn't beat, they call it "heart beeping".  They say hype instead of height.  And they call popcorn kernels "popcorn cornels".

"Wasn't it easier in your firefly-catchin' days?

And everything out of reach, someone bigger brought down to you
Wasn't it beautiful runnin' wild 'til you fell asleep?"

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