Saturday, March 9, 2019

This is Home - Fall 2018 visit

We were so pumped for our annual trip to Blacksburg to hang out with our favorites (the MacInnis's), spend time with Uncle Mop, and of course - cheer on the Hokies!

We left late on Thursday night, and decided to stop at Sal's on the way - Maria's family owns it, and I can't believe we haven't been before.  The food was delicious and Maria's mom treated us like royalty.  She loaded us up with appetizers and desserts, and even took the girls into the kitchen to pick out their own popsicles.  Seriously, such a fun night, and a much needed break in our trip.
The MacInnis's recently moved from Christiansburg to Radford, and their new house is gorgeous, and has the most amazing view of the mountains (and a peek at the New River).  Pictures don't do it justice - the leaves were changing,  and it was nice to be back "home".

their backyard, complete with orange and maroon trees!

hanging out with their buds!
We've reached a new level with our little Hokies... I've taught them to shout "HOKIES!"  The other thing they'll do is Ella will say "Let's go!" and Sydney will reply "Hokies!"  I mean - all of my Hokie momma dreams have been made.  The other day, we were trying to rush out of the house, and I said "come on ya'll, let's go!" and they both replied "HOKIES!"  Yaaassssss!
they just LOVE that Hokie bird!!!

a little campus walk with Uncle Mop and Daddy

my kind of view

happy Momma



look at that pretty girl!

our favorite Hokie!  hard to believe he's a senior already

filling up Kim's lap!
Always a highlight - leaving the girls with Kim + Brian to get spoiled, so we can tailgate and cheer on the Hokies!
jello shots

our FAVORITE Hokie neighbors!

Kim + Jeff told me to come to the window and wave... this is where we sit!  #ballers

someone decided to spend the morning sick... :(

I spy Ella

The next time we are headed to Blacksburg... Uncle Mop is GRADUATING!

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