Thursday, May 25, 2017

The "her too" Chronicles

The my-turn-your-turn, me-first-she's-next, me-too situation is so adorable and hasn't slowed down any.

Ella hates waking up, period.  I wake them up around 7 each weekday morning, and I walk in, cut the light on, and start talking to them as I pick out their clothes.  She fusses and says "light off".  I mean, I can't blame her - I hate waking up, too.  Sydney on the other hand will pop straight up and start her day.  It's pretty funny because some mornings she will pop up but isn't yet awake and stable yet so she falls over.  Isn't phased one bit.

The other morning, Sydney wasn't her usual perky self.  She was kind of rolling around like she needed me to press the snooze button.  It was May 4th, Star Wars day, so I said "Sydney, do you want to wear a Star Wars shirt?" and she popped straight up in the air and said "Eyya wears a Star Wars shirt TOO?"  It was so funny.  She always says too extra high-pitched and so cute.

the three Star Wars nerds - father of twins and the sass is strong

my whole world <3

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