This past weekend we celebrated Father's Day with all of the fun fathers in our lives.
The weekend started out interesting on Thursday evening - we had a line of strong thunderstorms come through the area & we lost power. Normally, I could kind of care less - we don't
need power, it's nice to sometimes have a night with nothing to do by candlelight, and I leared after Hurricane Irene to not keep my freezers stocked full of expensive meat. Well, scratch that last item, because we have been stocking up for a few weeks now to prepare for Daniel's furlough (11 weeks - 1 day/week without pay - 20% pay cut). For dinner, we went out for mexican with our neighbors, and to hopefully come home to power. Nope, nothing. We decided if we still didn't have power in the morning, we would take the food to his dad's house to salvage. Daniel went to a hockey game with his brother, and I read on my kindle for a little bit & went to bed. I woke up at 5 am sweating - yes, sweating because it was hot & we didn't have any AC... which meant the power wasn't on yet. When I finally got up & got ready (in the dark), I was about to walk downstairs to pack up our meat in coolers, and VOILA! - the power was back on! Allelujuah! We scraped by - all our meat was saved, we only lost milk, yogurt, & ice cream.
Friday evening we ran a few errands picking up Father's Day gifts and enjoying a nice romantic dinner out - at Wendy's :) Saturday, we woke up - got some housework/yardwork done. I had a great workout, and Daniel installed our new hammock in the backyard! We have the perfect trees for a hammock.
I supervised with my kindle |
Then I got to enjoy the fabulous hammock - pure perfection. It's shady, breezy, and relaxing.
It was so hard to get out of that thing, I was so comfortable! But alas, we had to get ready to head to his Dad's to grill dinner & take him to a Flying Squirrels game. We had a great time - yummy porkchops, perfect baseball weather, Rita's Italian Ice, and fireworks.
Beautiful tribute to a fallen Chesterfield soldier - red, white, & blue balloons released. |
Ending the evening with a fabulous fireworks display. |
Then, that's when our night went from fun to funny/traumatic/nearly deadly. Okay, that's a bit dramatic. Anyway, at the end of any event, there is always a swarm of people/traffic leaving the venue. My claustrophobic husband doesn't like to sit still anywhere, including traffic. As soon as he gets his family into our 4Runner, he gets into the car, his sister shuts her door, and he's off! An important note: I'm not yet in the car. I'm standing next to it organizing the contents of a bag. As soon as he starts to go, his family says "whoa!" - knowing i'm not yet in the car. Daniel stops the car. He stops on my foot. Yes, my poor left foot now has a 5,000+ vehicle on top of it. I half-yelled "back up the car!" - Daniel just looked at me so I really yelled "you're on my foot! back up the car!" So back-up he did. Ouch! My foot instantly bruised, a few blood vessels were broken, oh and it also had a tire track on it. See exhibit A:
the bruise is hard to see, but the tire track is easy to see |
I could walk on it fairly well, so we decided to wait until the morning to see if I should go in for an x-ray. I slept on it fine, but was still nervous about all those bones on the top of the foot, so we went on over to Patient First. Luckily, nothing was broken. Two toes may have some fractures, but nothing major. So the prescription was rest, relaxation, elevation, and ice. Naturally, I went straight home and did all of this on the newly installed hammock. Perfect timing. Daniel felt/still feels terrible, but it was an accident, and the only thing we can really do is laugh about it and make jokes. It's a good story :)
At one, my family came over for pool time + our annual shrimp boil. We had lots to celebrate - Father's Day & my fabulous momma's birthday. We had lots of fun at the pool:
feeling unsure about the pool, but looking super cute |
lounging around with uncle daniel |
After a few hours of sun, we headed home to start boiling our shrimp! We had a great time - always a fun meal that everyone enjoys!
quick snooze before dinner |
celebrating these cool kids |
nom nom nom.... love corn on the cob |
me & my really great husband (despite the foot meets SUV incident) |
eating corn on the cob and mowing the lawn.... like a boss |
Kelly & Derek... about to dig in |
And now onto the "star of the show" (if Daniel were writing this). Our garden is HUGE! We harvested our first jalapeno (tonight we're using it for jalapeno popper chicken - lots of pics & a post to come!), we have 15 cucumbers growing, and lots of tomatoes, too!
look at that cucumber! can't wait to eat it |
HUGE cucumber plants |
Well, that's all for now! Chat with ya real soon :)