Okay, so let's ignore the fact that this is a much over-do post, and just enjoy the update, shall we?
I was SO excited for our holiday season with the girls. They seem to get really excited over whatever is going on, so I just knew our holiday season was going to be filled to the brim with magical toddler happiness.
I knew I wanted the girls to have their very own little Christmas tree that they could decorate, play with, and touch. And.. my hope was that if they had their own, they would leave the fragile tree alone. This mama had a genius idea, and went to Hobby Lobby to gather up supplies to make their ornaments. One nap time I went to work, and was thrilled with how their ornaments turned out.
The next morning, I went up into the attic and found the little tree that normally goes on my dresser. They LOVED decorating their tree. Hello Christmas season! :)
Sydney decorating |
Ella decorating |
just two tiny tots trimming the tree |
They each had a turn at putting the star on the top.
this, my friends, is the most perfect view - twin girls wearing tutus and drawing on the magna doodle in momma's lap |
We've tried a few times recently to give each girl some one-on-one time. Daniel took Sydney outside to do some outdoor decorating
And Ella hung out with me inside. They both really loved their alone time, so we need to be better about giving them independent time that they need.
After naptime, we bundled up and took the girls to Christmas Towne at Busch Gardens. It was pretty cold and a lot of hard work with 2 year olds, but we had a great time. We invited Grandma Georgia to tag along so she could enjoy Christmas magic with toddlers (and selfishly we didn't mind an extra set of hands).
standing in line for a cute little kid coaster |
Daddy and his girls
they were SO excited and loved the rides |
ride-junkies |
Ella & Daddy on a super fast one |
Syd and Grandma Georgia |
<3 |
you can't tell by their expressions, but the carousel was another huge hit |
sister hugs on the train ride |
Even though we had to wait for a little bit, the train ride was awesome. Ella laid down in my lap and almost fell asleep.
all bundled up! |
Seriously, so much fun looking at all the "yights, yights". I knew on the way home - as exhausted as we were - that we would have such a fun month full of all-things-Christmas.
Ella clearly enjoyed her dinner ;) |
One morning I was getting Sydney buckled into her carseat and looked over at Ella and she had some dirt on her face, and I said "what are you doing??"
...."eating dirt". I had to tell them both that we don't eat dirt, we eat food, and dirt isn't food.
No words.
Later in the same week, Sydney pops up and says "WE DON'T PEE PEE ON THE FLOOR!"
Well, that's true.
Real life with toddlers, ya'll.
THIS GIRL! Sydney found their stockings I had hung up in the playroom and put them on her feet like they were big socks - ha!! love how those little brains work |
Daniel is the BEST daddy - he took the girls to the store and had them bake cookies one day after school |
School picture 2017
(momma is still too cheap to buy them) |
sweet sisters in front of their felt christmas tree wearing christmas tree "princess" dresses, on the day we pick out our christmas tree! |
*note: we are princess obsessed... tutus, fancy dresses, shoes....*
After school, we headed over to Boulevard Flowers to find the most perfect tree. Not many people were there, so we let the girls run and play and laugh (which is really a special treat, since we always have to keep them close when we are out and about).
....and they're off. if this picture had sound, you'd hear giggles |
Ella & Sydney with our 2017 tree! |
Sydney and her Daddy |
Ella wanted to give our tree a hug |
And before we put our two little Christmas-tree loving girls to bed, we read a fun new Christmas book about a little blue truck delivering Christmas trees
And I'm a day late, but hey, the girls won't ever know. Here's our Christmas-tree-picking-day treat: new butt-flap PJs (total splurge), a beautiful anniversary version of The Polar Express book (and DVD), and M&Ms and hot cocoa I stole from our pantry.
just your casual weeknight - twin toddlers wrestling in the kitchen... I wish you could hear them giggling |
Side note: they are supposed to make sure they ask before wrestling and can only wrestle on carpet. Typical ground rules at our house ;)
Ella the reindeer taking a bath |
Reindeer Sydney getting clean |
these two flipped backwards off my legs over and over and laughed and laughed |
The Polar Express before bedtime |
My dad has been hosting a big leaf-pile-jump for a few years now for Abby, and this year, the girls were old enough to participate, and of course they loved it. They loved raking and jumping at our house, so a massive pile was right up their alley.
Ella and that big huge grin |
Daddy tossing Sydney into the pile |
cousin fun in the leaves |
My aunt and uncle had come into town, so we all had a big lunch at my mom's. Love that we got a picture of everyone :)
I know I say it a lot, but we have the.best.neighbors. They know how much the girls love the lights and also how much they love Daisy the Pug. They found a light-up pug. We traipsed on over to go see the newest addition to their yard, and of course took a photo with the Christmas pug + the real pug.
pretty girls |
I just can't get enough |
playing Seek-A-Boo with Daddy |
We decided we hadn't seen our friend Evelyn in a while, so we had her over for PJs and Pancakes (and the Polar Express... but they preferred Minnie Mouse, note their slippers).
meal times go a lot like this... not much eating, much more playing |
such pretty girls <3 |
these two are full-on tutus and all things pretty princess |
their new favorite game - tell Daddy to "go night night". Sydney played, too, and Ella read to them |
I honestly can't remember the story behind this picture, but I'm sure we had to snuggle up because we had a long day at work/school and needed to sit still and be together <3 |
Sydney's intensity always makes us laugh... she hugs with such grit and passion |
This day will go down in history - Ella and Sydney picked out different shoes to wear |
So I never thought I'd dress my girls alike. Honestly, I thought I would find the same outfit in two different colors and that would be that. Well, it's nearly impossible to find clothes that coordinate perfectly for my OCD. I also quickly realized that dressing them alike made my life 10x easier each morning. I could look at the weather and pick out ONE thing out of their drawers. Also, I didn't have to decide if something was cuter and who would get that outfit.. it was just simple. And now that they are talking and having opinions, they WANT to match. If someone is about to put on a shirt with a Christmas tree, then the other one wants a shirt with a Christmas tree. So to all those haters that think that matching twins takes away their individuality - here's a middle finger. It makes my life easier and they prefer it. And, whenever they don't want to match, I won't force them. So there.
quick little photo shoot with the cutest twins around |
Sydney patting Ella on the back |
I mean... come on |
I had to take the girls to the doctor solo... that's always, um, awful.
We needed two blankets, one Minnie, and one pig baby to join us |
... and we survived, but dangit that's hard.
I walked in and found Mama-Ella standing on the stool wearing sparkly shoes and putting her baby to bed |
So on Wednesday, the news decided to announce that we were going to get snow on Friday into Saturday. I knew it was legit, since they didn't talk about it for a solid 10-days prior. The timing was absolutely perfect since Saturday was my birthday! All of my birthday dreams were coming true: a snow day... snuggled up next to the fire wearing PJs, my girls and Daniel loving on me, and lots of toddler laughs in the snow. And thankfully, mother nature didn't disappoint!
Late on Friday afternoon, the snow began falling... we snuck out for a few minutes after dinner and the girls LOVED IT!
how gorgeous is that Baby Sink tree!? |
I woke up on my birthday to a gorgeous snowy scene outside, and two little girls saying "happeee birthday!!".
On momma's birthday, you can have cupcakes for breakfast
If you haven't figured it out, Daniel, Ella, and Sydney are my whole world. Daniel and I take boring pictures together, but I can't get enough of our two sweet girls. I decided as a birthday gift to myself, I wanted some gorgeous Christmas-snow pictures of E&S. They are normally super cooperative with pictures, but we bribed them just to make sure that our "one shot" would be worth it :)
And holy moly. I can't wait to print these on canvases and hang up for all the Christmases to come.
After the pictures, we bundled up to go build a snowman and play.
Meet "Olaf"
(they JUST started watching Frozen) |
So about a week after the snow, we were over at the Courington's and the girls were running around in the yard. Sydney all of a sudden yelled "OLAF'S BROKEN!" as she picked up his nose and stared at the small mound on the ground. She then said "Daddy, fix him!" It was the saddest and funniest thing ever. And she calls Olaf "ooo-yaf", which makes is 10x cuter. Bless her sweet heart, her first realization that snowmen don't last forever <3
Sydney making a snow angel |
Ella only wanted to eat snow |
a mom's birthday wish come true: naked baby pooping on the potty wearing pig rain boots |
The snow was a gorgeous wet snow, that looked amazing, but didn't seem to affect the roads too much. We had already planned for the girls to go to my parents for the night, and thankfully, we were still able to keep our kid-free date. A momma's REAL birthday wish - sleep and food in peace.
our pretty drive on the way to the movies |
... meanwhile at Nana's house, princess dresses and hot cocoa |
movie date <3 |
with twins, what's hers is hers |
We did a favorite Christmas activity - decorating Christmas trees (green icing waffle cones)
Ella much preferred sneaking bites |
Sydney did a fantastic job concentrating and putting her candy on her tree |
so happy <3 <3 |
perfect way to end a perfect birthday weekend. cheers to 31! |
When we were trying on dresses to find a good Santa visit one, the girls fell in love with these fancy "princess party" dresses... headbands and tags and all.
Dear Santa,
My Sister Did It |
Daniel snagged the girls, and we had a grand plan for me to stand in line and they would meet us so we didn't have to herd 2 two year olds in line for hours on end. Well, I show up, and there is NO LINE. That's completely unheard of, but hey, I'll take it!
They were SO excited. We talked about Santa, they love seeing pictures of him, singing carols, and say "ho ho ho". SO EXCITED PEOPLE. Now, you didn't think that excitement would remain when the saw that stranger in person, did you??
thrilled about the big soldier |
.... and they said hell no to Santa.
When we saw the pictures, I realized Santa's eyes were closed. Come on, bro, YOU HAVE ONE JOB.
But, alas, there was no line, remember?? So we just walked around and tortured them again. But this time we promised them they could sit next to him.
We did have fun, and I think they did, too, because they were talking about Santa and laughing on the way home.
it was pajama day at school!
I think Ella is crying in this picture, but trust me, this girl loves to keep her pajamas on |
they both really needed some extra love that morning, and I happily obliged |
I picked the girls up and on the way off base, we spotted a HUGE Christmas tree. The girls have had so much fun looking at "yights" this Christmas season, and since we didn't have anything better to do, we got out and ran around and around giggling under such a big and pretty tree. Simple nights like these are what make my heart burst. These are the nights that will always live in my memories. I'll never forget their innocence and pure joy from something so big and so pretty.
<3 <3 |
We played a game where they stood next to me, I counted down from 3, and they had to run to the tree, touch it, then run back. They laughed and laughed and laughed.
"Momma, we're running!" |
A man stopped his truck while they were running around and he told me that he has twins who are older. He told me to do a lot of fun little things, and that's what the good stuff is made of. He said "don't try to go big and perfect". Good advice, we'll keep that one in our back pocket.
we did our own Tacky Light Tour, the girls were OBSESSED |
The girls were finally old enough to decorate gingerbread houses at Papa's work. It was the perfect day to wear our new Grinch sweaters.
Cue cute photo shoot in 3...2...1...
I seriously can't get enough of these two <3 <3 <3 <3
Ella working hard on her house |
Ella & Daddy |
Sydney and Daddy |
the cutest little Syd drinking her hot cocoa |
with Papa (super proud Papa!) |
We were lazy the rest of the day until we took them over to my parent's house to run around the tacky house next door. The problem with looking at lights from the car is the girls really want to get out and see up close, so we went to a familiar place with permission :)
tacky girls ready for the tacky lights
(we wear these tutus allllll the time) |
"yights!" with Nana |
we are all tuckered out |
Momma and her happy girls |
We had our friend Evelyn's second birthday party, and it was Minnie themed, so naturally we had to dress up accordingly since we are also Minnie obsessed.
Minnie Mouse from our head to our toes |
Mickey & Minnie Christmas decorations |
serenading the crowd |
"hold hands" |
Daddy is reading some Star Wars before bed. Sydney cracks me up, she didn't seem to want Ella to speak |
Ella had her 6 month follow-up appointment from her eye surgery, and since Daddy was busy at work, it was an Ella + Momma outing. We don't do a good enough job giving them one-on-one time, but clearly need to do it more often, because she's meant to be an only child! ha! She soaked it all up. We went to Chick-Fil-A before the doctor, and she was thrilled when she had time to play.
adorable breakfast date. she even waved to everyone who walked by |
such a happy girl! |
someone still wanted alone time with Momma |
"It's okay, sissy" |
We decided to take the girls to see the lights at the James Center, since you can run around with all the deer and pretty trees. Again, they were not disappointed - so much fun seeing the "yights" through a toddler's eyes.
Dear Santa, my sister did it.
And they're wearing tutus and "tap shoes" - their favorite |
a little hot cocoa pit stop at HR |
Ella, Daddy, and Rudolph |
Sydney, Daddy, and Rudolph |
This is us |
Sydney started swinging from the tree right away. It took Ella a few tries to build up confidence to try, and when she did, she was so proud of herself! And Sydney was proud of her, too, they both squealed! |
thankful we didn't get in trouble for this adorable photo opp |
pre-potty training... trying to get Sydney to pee pee on the potty. she needed "globes" and Ella needed to read her a story |
That's Sydney still sitting on the potty.... |
....watching the Grinch |
Happy little Santas |
naptime wrapping party with Daniel |
Happy Momma |
It was our engagement-anniversary, so we went on our annual date to Bonefish. When I came downstairs, Sydney said "oh, momma, you so pretty!"
Bonefish gifted us champagne and dessert for our special date! |
We decided on the way home from our date that we would open up our presents to each other, since it was quiet and before the hustle and bustle of the next few days. I loved spending quiet time together, with the fire going, next to a pretty tree. Daniel gave me the most thoughtful gift - a digital picture frame, so it displays all of our favorite pictures!
the girls LOVED my gift, too! |
We decided to splurge on Christmas magic for the girls. I made reservations for brunch with Santa at the Boathouse for us on Christmas Eve - can't get much more magical than one of the most anticipated days of the season. We had SO MUCH FUN. The girls got to wear pretty princess dresses that they obsessed over (really, didn't want to take them off). They looked simply beautiful and so adorable, and we enjoyed ourselves so much.
hugs before we head off |
Ella and the big guy |
Sydney wanted to get out of her high chair so bad |
So we had a great brunch - Santa sat near us, so we could spend the whole breakfast getting used to the idea of going to sit on his lap :)
Pretty Ella Grace getting ready to sneak a bite of cookie |
Pretty Sydney showing me her cookie |
Santa and the #doublesinks |
They spent all of December asking for "new toys"!
the best <3 |
Ella, Sydney, and the Baby Sink tree before we head over to Nana & Papa's house for Christmas Eve dinner |
they love Grandma Georgia's "nut-ca-ker" that sings |
I feel like I've said the same thing this entire post - the girls are so cute, we had so much fun, and we can't get enough. But really, that's what our entire December was made of. It was simply the best.
We came home to get ready for Santa to come.
Ella & Sydney are ready for Santa to come down the chimney |
picking out cookies to leave for Santa |
reading 'Twas the Night Before Christmas |
Once the children were tucked snug in their beds, and visions of sugarplums were dancing in their heads.... Santa and his elves started working hard. It went from okay to amazing when the Couringtons showed up to help put together gifts, wrap, drink, and play mad libs. They really made a fun night even better!
Look who came! |
After a very short night's sleep (for the elves), we woke up to see if Santa brought the girls "new toys"!
feeding their new babies in the new high chairs with their new kitchen utensils wearing new light up shoes |
new tablets |
New double stroller, and Ella thinks the baby should sit on the canopy |
new lap desks and magic markers |
I rounded the corner and spotted Ella hanging out in the new baby doll crib, isn't she so cute |
Sydney and Daddy with a new Star Wars book |
And that was it for my Christmas day documenting... we got ready and headed over to Grandma Georgia's. My mom had to unexpectedly cancel since she wasn't feeling well (which totally bummed me out). But it was nice to go home and the girls got to play with all their new toys. Daniel and I ordered hibachi and enjoyed spending some quiet time during such a busy season.
two cute Little Red Riding Hoods doing some post-Christmas shopping at Target |
making "Frozen cookies for our friends!!" (we were heading over to the Malady's for some SG-friend-time)
These two LOVE to "f-inkle, f-inkle, f-inkle" (sprinkle) |
two little monkey's jumping on the bed |
typical toddler scene: sunglasses indoors, Adirondack chairs from the porch, and new books |
I couldn't find the girls... |
.... there they are. |
adorable <3 |
We decided to spend New Years with the Eckert's. Can't ask for much better than ringing in the New Year with friends who are family.
twirling |
blowing |
and clinking as we ring in 2018 |
Thanks to today's technology, we did a fake countdown at bed time, and it was so fun!
30-year old's new years: games, blankets for warmth, pan of brownies |
New Year's Day: pile on Katie |
And that's a wrap for our amazing Christmas season + 2017. Maybe 2018 will bring a year with better updates that aren't too long, too boring, and full of fun little sayings from our cute little tiny tots.