I've had this post just about ready for like 2 months now... and for whatever reason, my lazy bones prevailed. So here we are, very delinquent, but I present you... October & November, full of fun and leaves and all things twin toddlers.
these two sisters, sweet best friends... I mean, I love your bond and all, but I need you to go to sleep. quickly. so, we decided that they needed to be separated and (they will tell you) "so we can't touch!" |
little lady bug hugs |
Car rides with these two are... entertaining and sometimes really annoying. Though, they currently have a really cute obsession - the "mad face heyecopter" that we see on base every day. They also love when I roll down the window and they say "heyyo" to the police officers. One morning, Sydney also told the police officer to "have a good day honey!"
One afternoon I picked the girls up, and since it was a gorgeous day, we got out of the car to see our friend the "mad face heyecopter" up close and in person!
making their best mad faces |
oh you know, just casually putting their faces into a place where weapons once were |
perfect Friday night |
"Yook at me, Syd-ee" |
cheering on cousin Jacob at his soccer game |
practicing soccer with Daddy |
the tunnel at the end of the game |
I love my boss, and I love that we are friends outside of work, too. She asked Daniel and I to join her, Phil, and some friends skeet shooting. My gut reaction was: hell no. I'm umm... what's the word... oh yeah, terrified of guns. But, I had to think realistically that used safely, they are totally fine, and I had to just get over it. And I'm so glad I did, because it was a freaking blast! We had a gorgeous day, and we loved doing something different for a change!
Look at that cute guy |
that gun was heavy, and the kick-back was crazy, so this weakling needed some help - but I actually shot a clay! |
Kim & Lorri |
Daniel and I shot together, which was cool |
It wasn't anything like Duck Hunt.. much harder.. but just as much fun. We ended the day at a local brewery with this gorgeous view. Can't ask for much else except some sweet hugs and kisses from our little people at the end of the night :)
Ella is soooo good about using her imagination and playing with little toys and her dolls. I caught her having a blast with her doll house |
we found a "biiiiig t-uck, momma!" on our way to school one morning |
the #doublsinks riding tandem on the rocking elephant |
$1 gel clings gave me about 20 minutes of quiet to enjoy coffee |
the little drummer girl, Sydney |
It was Dr Seuss Day!
I received a phone call from daycare..
"Hi Mrs. Sink... Ella just threw up, but she's been acting okay, so her lunch might not have settled."
"Okay, just keep me updated!"
--10 minutes later--
"Hi Mrs. Sink... Sydney just threw up"
"Okay, be there in 20 minutes"
There isn't much that's worse than getting two puking toddlers home by yourself. Sigh.
Ella is sitting on top of Sydney, and neither one seems to mind |
We have two really finicky eaters. They aren't really picky, they just decide they don't really care for meal times. I've found they do better if they help, but who really has the patience to have two 2 year olds helping in the kitchen? So I've tried to come up with fun ways to get them involved. A big, HUGE, hit: make your own tacos! All of their ingredients were put into little applesauce cups, and they had so much fun "sprinkle sprinkle sprinkle"-ing in their taco shell.
E |
now that's a biiiig bite |
S |
get it, girl |
There's not much in the world better than the giggles of these two, and nobody can make them laugh harder than their daddy.
sawing off Daddy's leg and he would shout "blood, blood, blood" |
cute new shoes |
Daddy, Syd, and a baby |
Daniel got a new phone with an awesome camera. He took them outside to try it out. And I know I'm biased, but these two are just so gorgeous and adorable
beautiful fall girls! |
The Pascales had a gorgeous baby boy, so we went to visit our new friend, Dalton!
a day in the life of... two of everything. two pretty dresses, two pairs of tights, two pairs of shoes... ready for Jacob's baby dedication |
we had a slight wardrobe malfunction, and had to put on boots instead of dress shoes! |
thankful feathers for daycare |
Ella was super comfortable on top of Sydney, and Sydney clearly didn't mind one bit |
Ella. Oh, sweet, Ella. This girl is a sensitive flower, and I think I've told you, she hates to wake up in the morning. I mean, can you blame her? She never wants me to cut the light on and she wants to "go back night night". On top of that, she doesn't want to get dressed and wants to keep her pajamas on. In her words, "I want to wear 'jamas and slipperies today". Again, I get it... I would wear sweatpants and leggings and slippers all day every day if I could, too. So.. how excited do you think sweet Ella was when she found out it was pajama day at school!?
I love these two more than life itself. Seriously, how much fun are they!?
The next day was a federal holiday, so the girls got to stay home with Daddy. Before I left for work, I found two little girls wearing tutus and crowns (their favorite right now), and were playing tea party in their princess castle. This. This is what all of my momma dreams are made of - sweet little princesses having tea. All the heart eyes, and I'm a puddle on the floor.
I spy a prince building a princess castle |
<3 <3 |
Chick-Fil-A date with daddy |
We celebrated our friend Graham turning 4 at the Children's Museum.. so fun!
local NBC12 news anchors |
a girl and her cake pop |
excavating bones |
After a good nap, we bundled up to go outside to help Daddy with the leaves
pretzels and hot chocolate, cheers! |
start 'em young... these leaves aren't raking themselves |
a perfect picture of our morning personalities |
Sweet Nolan arrived on November 8! I couldn't wait to get my hands on that sweet little face :)
family movie night... can't forget about the two babies |
Daddy wasn't feeling well, so I volunteered to pick up the girls. On the way home, we detoured to give him extra rest, and went to Target to check out the Christmas décor.
they love the "Santa climbing up the yadder" |
perfect Friday night - two girls, a beanbag, popcorn, and a fire |
and what's better, they were watching The Grinch! |
trying to get Sydney to pee (she holds it like a badass)... hand in a cup of warm water, entertainment on Daddy's phone |
I think I like this age... found this sweet girl playing so nicely with her little friends, they are all having a meal at the table together |
Katie and Oscar got married! They had a super, super fancy wedding, so Daniel and I decided to treat ourselves with an overnight stay. We dropped off the girls early, spent some down time together, then got super dressed up and enjoyed the beautiful wedding and open bar :)
how did we luck out!? this was our transportation for the night |
<3 |
gorgeous bride |
Sink siblings |
sisters |
so happy, so fun... love getting back to just "us" and forget being parents for a bit |
playing nicely at Grandma Georgia's house |
two tots on the toilet |
Something I love so much about our girls and their age is that they seem to really get excited and love everything. This fall, they've really loved leaves. Playing in them, raking them, throwing them. Their excitement is just so fun to be around.
And before we knew it, we were celebrating Thanksgiving!
I was in the kitchen baking apple pies. We set the girls up in their bean bags, snuggled them with a fuzzy blanket, cut on the fire, and they watched the parade <3 |
(Momma-cam: baking the pies) |
that's one happy momma right there |
so, so, so very thankful for these two turkeys |
love the big, loud, and amazing Staley clan |
GREAT Granma Fails with her great-grands |
"Where's my food?" -Ella at our annual Black Friday Staley lunch |
little lambs in the leaves |
They would rake the leaves into a pile at the end of the slide... slide into the pile, then cover each other up.
And that, my friends, wraps up all-things Fall... and we will bee-line straight into Christmas :) |