We've kicked off summer, and are enjoying every little bit of it - filling our days with fun adventures and spending lots of time at the pool.
Since Ella's surgery was right before Memorial Day, we had to get creative since we couldn't go to the pool that very first weekend. We took the girls strawberry picking (which they still talk about), and to the zoo to visit flamingos, birds, and monkeys.
Ella & her baby - the best of friends. Looks like her baby got hungry mid-stroll. |
Strawberry picking - they had their own baskets |
waiting for the tractor and it's "right dare" |
Daniel was the master picker, and they did such an awesome job helping him |
getting a taste of their hard work |
and the tractor is back! |
We zipped on over to the zoo after berry picking. I love having a membership, so we don't have to plan a big huge trip, and can just go for a little while.
our cute flamingo-clad tots visiting their flamingo friends! |
"Ma-Mingos, momma!" |
Then onto our favorite spot - feeding the birds.
S |
E |
Just monkey-ing around |
We had such a fun morning, and ended up at Nana and Papa's for a shrimp boil, since our SC family was in town. I love these three, and their dance party!
obsessed with Moana |
Remember when Daniel left us to go play, and it turned into a
catastrophe? Well, can you believe that fucker wanted to go to ANOTHER playoff game when they made it to the final round? Not to mention it was 5 days post-exotropia-surgery, and I was still suffering from PTSD from the previous trip. Sigh. Daniel - like his normal-self - somehow convinced me that this was a good idea. This time, he had back-up plans, went for a shorter period of time, and Ella was doing so great, that I begrudgingly obliged.
Guess what? It went amazing. The girls were happy and did fantastic, and I even took them on a few errands (which is normally a very intimidating task). Our neighbors, who are the world's greatest neighbors, brought a ton of food over and grilled for Memorial Day. They even brought Daisy, who was obviously the guest of honor.
Jeff is teaching the girls how to get sick on a swing :) |
Since Ella is still on water restriction, we had a #doublesinks bath in the #doublesink. For the record, Ella really hates a sink-bath. The first one she had after surgery, she accidentally cut the water all the way hot and scalded herself, and is still traumatized. The cool color tabs have helped tremendously, but let's just say that she (and I) couldn't wait to get back into the tub.
:) :) |
gotta clean those pearly-whites |
safe to say this girl is GOLDEN now that her eyes are fixed! She's so cute and so funny |
One of our favorite past-times - watching the asleep sister on the monitor.
"Eyya's seeeeping, Momma" |
One morning the girls - both of them - woke up and were hanging out in our bed, and I had left the monitor on. Ella grabbed the monitor and said "Syd-ee's seeping". Folks, Sydney was sitting right next to her. Sometimes toddlers aren't the brightest in the box ;)
laugh.out.loud. |
I decided to be brave whilst solo and took the girls to run a few errands. They did fantastic! And of course, first - Memorial Day photo shoot!
"Cheese!" |
After we bought water shoes at Babies R Us, I decided to take the girls into Petco to look at fish and buy Daisy some treats. Since they were doing so great on our adventure, I let them walk into Petco, and they were so adorable. They did a decent job at listening, I didn't lose one, and they were hysterical over the fish! They ran from tank to tank yelling "Fish! Fish!" and laughing out loud.
And no picture-evidence, but Daddy made it home!
I caught the girls pretend-playing time-out |
Daddy teaches E&S how to swaddle a baby using a Pens towel |
That's Ella ON TOP OF Sydney laughing hysterically |
Ella was FINALLY off water restriction, and she couldn't be any happier in the tub! Look at that huge grin.
P.S. Sydney chose to "throw in yeyoooo", thus it looks like urine. |
You know my style - taking a picture of the mediocre school picture because it's not worth the $$ |
the cutest shoes in all the land! and HUGE hits for these Mickeeee Mouse lovers |
we snuck away for dinner <3 |
Since hockey playoffs are never ending...
the two most adorable Pens fans! |
P.S. they won the Cup ;) |
Andddd for the second night in a row, we enjoyed the nice weather and gorgeous views at The Boathouse/Sunday Park
Can't beat this view |
<3 |
As soon as it was warm enough and Ella could get her face wet, we had some good ole baby-pool-in-the-yard-fun!
adorable little fish |
and when duty calls, you poop outside |
we walked up to the pool to make sure the water was warm enough - these two love a good wagon ride |
Inaugural pool session
these two are obsessed! Sydney jumped and jumped and jumped
"I jumpin' Momma"
"Syd-ee jump to Daddy. Eyya jump to Momma." |
Ella had fun, but she didn't seem to really enjoy herself. We wondered what was up since she loves to swim and float around in the tub more than Sydney. Later on, we were grilling out at the Courington's and Ella seemed off. I felt her and she was burning up. Took her home to take her temperature, and it was a screaming 104.5. After a quick Motrin and Tylenol dose she was.... fine. The next day, she stayed home with Daniel and was... fine.
Kids are weird. And Stressful. And confusing. But so damn cute.
"What fever?" |
picking flowers |
"Here you go, Momma" |
sometimes, you just need a little love to fall asleep
<3 <3 |
Basic white toddlers, shopping at Tar-jay |
A week prior, Daniel took the girls to Target and he got them popcorn. On the way to shop, we told the girls we were going to Target and they said "Pah-corns!?" At what point did their brains decide they needed to start remembering stuff like that!!?
Double cart - check
Pahcorns - check
Smiles - check |
I normally go in and check on the girls before we go to bed. This was too funny not to share - Sydney's crib is just about empty, see Exhibit A
Exhibit A |
Then I look at Ella's crib, Exhibit B, and laugh out loud. Note: Violet is being creepy in the top of the photo - squeezed in between the crib and wall.
Exhibit B |
But wait, there's more.
Exhibit C |
Daddy's tickles are the best! |
two peas in a pod, chatting with their reflections |
Twins getting along and playing nicely?
Document that shit. |
Movie night - Ella doesn't appear comfortable at all. |
Doesn't every toddler bathe with an audience? |
Then... the croup hit.
Yes, I said "THE" croup because this illness deserves it's own article.
It wasn't so bad at first. I knew their coughs sounded unusually deep. My gut was telling me to go ahead and take them to the doctor. Let's go ahead and get some medicine so we can kick this early.
no caption necessary |
late evening trip to Kid Med... see, not so bad! |
And guess what happened in the middle of The Croup of 2017? Father's Day!
So let me take a minute to try to put into words all of my feelings and thoughts about this dad. He's the best. Simply the best. He loves these two girls fiercely, and only wants the best for them. They make him happier than anything in the entire world, and they are lucky-lucky-lucky to have him. I'm even luckier to have him by my side.
So, Happy Father's Day 'da-da'! We got croup, and need lots and lots of snuggles.
we are so lucky to have these two monsters! |
lazy sick day |
After a nap, we needed a steamy bathroom + popsicles + Moana on the tablet.
Nana & Papa came over for yummy ribs. I'm telling you, these two weren't THAT sick.
Sydney is jumping on Nana, and Ella is tickling her feet - so much joy! |
Then, the croup got worse. Fevers came back with a vengeance and breathing was a struggle. It was pathetic. Sigh.
Sick little ones are hard.
my mom came over to help out for a little while so I could work at home. She took them on a walk and they discovered their reflections in this huge truck's tires |
their shirts - "oh snap!" |
Daniel ended up back at Kid Med on his day with them - more medicine, and lots of healthy wishes. The good news is, that did the trick - and they felt better just in time for The Bay!
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