Monday, July 10, 2017

Friends Bay Trip 2k17

The Bay.  Ah, our happy place. Last year, we had our inaugural Friends Bay Trip 2k16, and it was so much fun - hectic and a little scattered - but fun.  This year, all the little babies have grown into full-blown toddlers.  Everyone isn't quite so fragile, so we really got to get out in the sun and play and play.  Like last year, we went down on a Thursday, so we had a full day to ourselves before all of our friends arrived.

two little ladies excited about The Bay

while Momma packs, the girls must stay put!  Thanks, Trolls

sweet E and her friends taking a snooze

And we made it!  Ahh, instant relaxation

One of the girls' favorite parts of the Bay - the golf cart.  They looooved, and fought over, "driving" the golf cart.

I mean, so happy
Once we unpacked, visited the water, were driven around by 2-year olds, we ate dinner and put the girls down and enjoyed some quiet time, just the two of us.
taking it back old school style - Skip-Bo

morning masterpiece

So much happy after breakfast - a momma with her coffee, her girls, and the display of friends they chatted with
After playing for a while, we lathered up and headed down to the dock to swim.

checking out the water situation

so cute

such a beautiful sight - my girls and nothing but the Bay as far as I could see

Crabby girls - Buddy would be so thrilled <3


"C-yams, Momma"
They had so much fun with the Clams Daniel found for them - they would throw them and store them in their floats

Our two freaking love the water.  They love to jump, swim, float, and play.  This makes a swimmer's heart happy.  We both grew up in the water, so we are thrilled they are so fearless and happy.

Daniel - being the adventurous guy he is - taught the girls how to stand up on his shoulders.  They jump off, swim over and say whoever's turn is next, and then say "my turn!" when the other jumps off.
Sydney - ta-da!

Ella - ta-da!

stop. just stop, my heart can't even handle it. <3 <3

After a fantastic day of just the Sink fam, we anxiously awaited the arrival of all our friends - adults and toddlers!  The Lehmans arrived right after dinner, and the Eckert's were the caboose closer to 10.  We all enjoyed adult beverages and card games, before getting a good night's rest for a full day of water and sun.
early morning Toddlers+Trolls time
2016 Watermelons bouncing on the side of the pool

2017 Watermelons bouncing on the side of the pool

snacktime on the dock

the whole crew (except Daniel's head, oops)
The morning was certainly windy and the water was rough, but all the kiddos didn't mind bouncing up and down in the waves.


sweet little naked behinds - Ella, Sydney, and Evelyn
We all ate lunch and the little ones napped before we went back out for round 2.  The water was much calmer, and we played for a few hours.  It was blissful.

See, I told ya they love the "c-yams"

out of all the fun toys we brought, the bucket full of water was the biggest hit

"Floatin' is all I wanna do..."

Happy girl Elle

Playing Ring around the Rosie, and we all fall down!

Bobby was recovering from knee surgery and couldn't get his leg wet, so he had the tough job of hanging out in the float.  Ella and Sydney were happy to join him!
The best part of the whole trip was when the girls would race to grab a toy... they would laugh and laugh and pull each other backwards to get ahead.  It was hilarious.
As always, the trip was too short, but filled with fun.  Until next time, Bulls Bay.

<3 <3

finally home, in our happy place, snuggled up together


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