Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Outerbanks Beach Family Photos

This is about to be the most gorgeous post I've ever done.  Seriously, get ready to be blown away.  Remember the other day when I told you we had Caiti do a family session at the beach?  Well, here are some of my favorites (tough to pick out of the 277 she sent me!).  I still can't get over how amazing these pictures turned out... you'll be able to find me googling custom wallpaper companies, since I won't be able to pick just a few to frame... I need an entire wallpaper filled up room :)

I really wanted to capture the beautiful spirit of our girls.  I wanted sweet little rompers, kisses, innocence, happiness, baby curls, white tutus, hand holding, being little and free, and bikini bellies.  I wanted to take this fun (and challenging) slice of our life - life with two 2 year olds - and capture this moment in time and keep it forever.  She nailed it.

this is us <3

I loooooove these - so high in the air, so much toddler joy


Sydney and Momma watching "Eyya's turn" being thrown in the air

Sandy toes...

...and salty kisses

this Momma's heart is so, so full

soooo full

Another favorite toddler activity - "one, two, threeeeeee"

I can't get enough of that sweet Ella smile

"Sydee's turn"


I've been looking at the same brown eyes for 13 years now, and can't believe that this is our life <3


that sassy Sydney loves to run away from waves

full arms
an even fuller heart

Ella's dimple <3

What's a beach photo session without baby bikinis and sand buckets!?

Ella's sweet little tiny piggies in the sand

Sydney's cute, skinny little feet in the sand
Remember these letters?  They've been with us since the day the girls were born!
Silly Sydney

Ella Bella

Ella was being silly and dancing with her starfish

kind of sums things up... Ella is always tentative and doesn't jump into the deep end head first.. she has to watch for a while.  Sydney, on the other hand, is balls to the wall - straight into the waves!

ta-da!  the end!

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